Gots to love Maiden, seen them twice in the last 4 years (one of them being their Somewhere Back in Time tour!).
But my favorite Motorhead story was when they played a club here about 10 years ago. No Philthy, no Wurzil (I think they had Yngwie's old drummer from the Live in Leningrad VHS from Yngwie's heyday), but a great if ear-piercing show! After the show ended, Lemmy was signing boobies and such beside the stage, when my bandmate/buddy spied him. "MISTER KILMINSTER!!" Running over a sea of broken empties on the floor, he literally hurdled over the barrier to get an autograph. Surprised the crap out of Lemmy too, seeing this six and a half foot stick running and leaping full tilt right at him. Until a literal hulk-sized bouncer stepped up and swooped my buddy around the waist with one arm in mid-leap, with the words "Where do ya think yer goin', son?" We still laugh about that moment to this day.