Metallic Details News (March 2022)
Detailing sets for helicopter models Bell AH-1G Cobra (ICM) in scale 1/32:
- USAF seat belts part 1;
- Bell AH-1G Cobra. Masks (ICM);
- Bell AH-1G Cobra. Interior (ICM);
- Bell AH-1G Cobra. Exterior (ICM).
Armament subsystems and exterior set for Cessna O-2A (ICM, 1/48):
- Cessna O-2A. Exterior (ICM);
- SUU-14 bomblet dispenser;
- M18 gun pod with M134 Minigun;
- XM157 2.75 inch rocket launcher;
- MK-24;
- XM159 2.75 inch rocket launcher.
Detailing sets for aircraft models in scale 1/48:
- Harrier GR1/GR3. Landing gears with wheels (Kinetic);
- Harrier GR1/GR3. Air intake fan (Kinetic);
- Harrier GR1/GR3. Swiveling nozzles (Kinetic);
- Harrier GR1/GR3. Canopy masks (Kinetic);
- Harrier GR Mk.7/9. Landing gears with wheels (Hasegawa).
Detailing sets for aircraft models SR-71 Blackbird in scale 1/48:
- SR-71 Blackbird. Interior (Revell);
- SR-71 Blackbird. Ejection seats (Testors, Revell).
Main rotor for helicopter models AS365 Dauphin:
- AS365 Dauphin. Main rotor (Kitty Hawk, Trumpeter, 1/48);
Set contains 3D-printed parts for detailing of main rotor of the helicopter models HH/MH-65 Dolphin, AS365 Dauphin/SA 365 Dauphin 2 (1/48, Kitty Hawk, Trumpeter).
- AS365 Dauphin. Main rotor (1/72);
Set contains 3D-printed parts for detailing of main rotor of the helicopter models HH/MH-65 Dolphin, AS365 Dauphin/SA 365 Dauphin 2 (1/72).
- Exterior set for Junkers W.34 (MikroMir, 1/48)
Set contains 3D-printed parts for exterior detailing.
Detailing sets for aircraft models in scale 1/48:
- B-17G. Masks (Revell/Monogram);
- B-17G. Masks (HK Models);
- B-29. Exterior (Revell/Monogram);
- B-29. Masks (Revell/Monogram).
Masks for aircraft models in scale 1/48:
- IA 58 Pucara. Masks (Kinetic);
- OV-10A Bronco. Masks (ICM);
- U-2A. Masks (AFV Club).
Detailing sets for aircraft models in scale 1/48:
- Su-27/Su-27UB/Su-35. Air intake grilles (Great Wall Hobby);
- MiG-17. Aluminum panels (HobbyBoss);
- Su-27UB. Canopy masks (GWH);
- Su-27/Su-27UB/Su-30SM. Masks (Kitty Hawk);
- Su-33. Masks (Kinetic);
- Su-33. Masks (Minibase);
- Su-35S. Masks (GWH);
- Su-34. Masks (Kitty Hawk);
- Su-11. Panels (Trumpeter);
- Su-11. Masks (Trumpeter).
Deployable Rapid Assembly Shelters C-series in scale 1/72:
- DRASH C-series type 2C;
- DRASH C-series type Small Command Post 2.