modeling injurys

I got a part wrong on the Kronos 1 im building (the fit of that kit ig awful). So, I popped the plastic over the peg, and as it all fell into place.............

POP, splatted the glue up into my eyes. I blundered around my room and the hallway for a while screaming obscenities before i found the bathroom to splash me eyes.

Was sore for 2 days.
I had my modeling knife roll off the table and without thinking tried to stop it from hitting the floor with my foot... really dumb, of course it went thru my sock and took a nice little stab between the toes.
I since changed over to the anti roll type...that hurt !
RocketSilo said:
I had my modeling knife roll off the table and without thinking tried to stop it from hitting the floor with my foot... really dumb, of course it went thru my sock and took a nice little stab between the toes.
I since changed over to the anti roll type...that hurt !

I done something similar only I caught the knife between my thighs !! ,the knife fell and a quick reaction was to shut my legs together to stop it falling ,I got the sharp end in one thigh :'(

RocketSilo said:
I had my modeling knife roll off the table and without thinking tried to stop it from hitting the floor with my foot... really dumb, of course it went thru my sock and took a nice little stab between the toes.
I since changed over to the anti roll type...that hurt !
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! Same exact thing!! :eek: OUCH! Actually thought I missed the toe...because it stuck into the hardwood floors. Saw a small dot of blood on top of the sock...went to the bathroom...ACROSS THE WHITE RUG!!! LOL!!!!!! CSI had nothing on that move!! ;D
A few good slices and pokes with the knife..., nothing to manly unfortunately. I feel that I'm due though.
Hey guys, at this rate OSHA is goin to require the use of safety goggles, respirator, steel mesh gloves and steel toed boots for this hobby!
Black Sheep 1 said:
Hey guys, at this rate OSHA is goin to require the use of safety goggles, respirator, steel mesh gloves and steel toed boots for this hobby!

What mean they dont ??? :p

I just remembered I accidentally got some thinned Tamiya paint in my eye. I tripped and somehow the tiny hole on the siphon jar managed to get the paint in my eye. I was on steriods for over a week because of it.

And I think something like this should protect you from x-acto knives:
ckriskross09c said:
Nice. If you really had to much time you should make a model!

Nah, I hear you can get some nasty injuries doing that! ;D

TBH, the worst cut I've had was on a pair of scissors, of all things! ;D

Actually, I was cleaning them. Still pretty silly and totally avoidable. :)
A few months ago, I was sitting at my portable bench in my living room hand painting some small parts. I had a small piece in a pair of pliers. The piece shot out of the pliers, and hit me square in the eye, causing me to jump back. While jumping back I knocked an entire bottle of thinner over onto my bench, which immediately set to work destroying all the painting that I had just completed (about 3 hours of work). I also knocked over an open bottle of Zip Kicker. My living room rug reeked of Zip Kicker and was stained. My wife was not amused. My eye was I guess its not really an injury, unless you can injure patience. ;D

After this incident, I put everything away and took a week off.

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