Monogram Cylon Raider COMPLETED


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2012
OK, so I decided to do the original Monogram Cylon Raider. The God awful remake ships look like Independence day rip offs.

Anyway, this kit was CLEARLY meant to be a toy and not a serious model. The fit is bad and the the "exhaust" area is horrendous. Like BAD. I ended up fishing some exhaust parts from the 1/48 B-1 kit that were in the spares tub. I used after market stuff on that one, so these were a good stand in after some shaping. Not accurate to the show model, but much better. Also some work with plasticard to close up some gaping holes. Now to figure out how to paint these. Gloss white with blue highlights I am thinking. Something like that


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Watch the original movie, pause and take a picture. You should be able to get a few different angles, it's what I did to get the paint right on John Belushi's Warhawk from "1941".
I'll be using the Memphis Belle documentary before final paint on the current project.
Oh, I know what the base color is and all that. Its just the "exhaust" is a white/blue light. Hard to reproduce without lighting.

I sprayed the top side with Camouflage gray. Its a super light shade an works perfect IMO. Then putty to seal stuff up more. Letting that dry, then sand and see what else I need to do before moving forward.


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" ..the "exhaust" is a white/blue light. Hard to reproduce without lighting. "

Use a pearlescent basecoat then overtop with translucent acrylic colors to get the hues you want .
You can get it to really glow by adjusting your lighting when photographing .
After it is all painted up it is decent model actually

They did a 30th Anniversary repop of this kit that had improved engine parts, as well as clear inserts for lighting
I built the slightly-retooled version of the kit, when it was released by Revell. It came with clear diffuser parts for lighting. I really enjoyed building it and it lights up well.
OK, did a bunch. Got the engine cowlings painted. Weathered it some. Hard to tell in this pic, but it is. LOL I used AK pigments and makeup.
Guns have the intial paint. Gotta do a bit more to them. Do the decals and it will be done. Next post will be the completed post.


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$60.00 bucks is starting to get a little steep, but to be fair, it was $50.00 when it hit the market years ago.

The Viper goes for around $250.00 and that one could be had just a year or so ago for $14.99. Now we're talking testicular payments.

60??? IF I can even find them they havent been less than like 120 or so. Not that I have done exhaustive searching.
In other categories, vintage or out of production kits can get ridiculous. To the seller though, it's only worth what the buyer is willing to pay.
So, the kit decals made me a liar. Another update...

Well, my dumb butt didnt think to spray the old decals in the kit to keep them from shattering. Soooo, I had to paint the black stripes. *sigh* I DID spray the pentagon markings, so those should work. I have some touch ups to do, but it came out OK I think.


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