I haven't posted in a while so here's a BIG update.
On Sunday I finished drilling the windows in the main hull. So glad that they're done!
After I finished with that, I taped it all together and did a test fit on the stand that I'm going to use. It's a little front heavy!
I also spent some time modifying the interior so that I can run wires throughout. Next, I spent some time cutting out holes in the warp engines so I can light them. I also sanded down the clear parts to receive the PE grills and put a light coat of clear blue down so I can test with LED's.
Electronics arrived yesterday and I started assembling/testing circuits. Last night I finished 4 arrays of white LEDs to be put in the main hull. They are VERY bright.
After doing some measuring, it turns out that my power supply isn't exactly 5V at the output. It's more like 5.14V, which means that I'm getting a bit too much current through the LEDs. I was afraid that I'd wear them out prematurely...until I thought of a (what I believe to be) a clever solution.
Since I have leftover PWM channels on my Arduino, I rigged up a little circuit that allows me to control the brightness of all the major sections of LEDs. Now I can add some more visual effects with almost no extra effort. Here's an example:
It's just a 2N222 NPN transisor controlled by the Aruduino via PWM. The transistor is able to switch ~600mA of current, so I can control up to 30 LEDs at once using one pin on the Arduino! I'm going to use one to control the LEDs in the warp engines and use another to control all the window lighting.
Tonight was all about tackling problems with running wire. I cut channels in both warp pylons to run 4 wires to control everything. Now that's done I'm trying to sort out how I will mount some blue LEDs in the warp engines. It's a pretty tight fit.
I'm hoping to have all the electronics finished by the end of the week. Then I'll spend the weekend installing the lights and assembling everything so I can start work on seam filling and paint/decal prep. I think I might actually finish this in time! Wish me luck!