New Star Wars Movie in 2015



So I just woke up and nearly droped my coffee, when I read this on my fav movie site. Disney just acquired Lucasfilm for 4 billion $ and is planning to make new Star Wars movies the first of which is due to come out in 2015. They are planning with a new one every 3 years and the next trilogy is more ore less a go.
Of course I verified via different sites, serious ones too (mostly german ones) so this is no Halloween hoax.

So maybe you have already heard. But since theres a lot of SW-fans around here, I thought I'd share.

Greets, Sarah.

PS: Those of you in the areas affected by Sandy will have other things on their mind. My best wishes are with you and your loved ones.
if George lucas isnt involved i can see them being a flop
spud said:
if George lucas isnt involved i can see them being a flop

Or if Disney do a John Carter. Mind you I might not mind that since I'm one of those that like John Carter.

I'm feeling excited, worried, intrigued, apprehensive, maybe a little bit giddy, all at the same time!

One of the good things that may come from this acquisition is the release of the original un-edited trilogy in high definition. I think it would be a smart move by Disney to make these. Another bluray release is inevitable. I just hope they do the right thing. Email campaign anyone?
Igard said:
One of the good things that may come from this acquisition is the release of the original un-edited trilogy in high definition. I think it would be a smart move by Disney to make these. Another bluray release is inevitable. I just hope they do the right thing. Email campaign anyone?

Word is that Disney have the rights to make further SW movies, cartoons,TV shows, etc & control of merchandising of characters.
Fox still controls the original 6 movies at the minute, so no immediate indication that we will get a release of the Original Cinematic versions on Blu-ray....but the main thing is that Lucas has loosened his grip on them.

I am happy to see this, the last three movies were horrible because Lucas micromanaged them into suckyness. If Disney is smart they will put the right people in charge and we will get no more Jar jar.....
Disney has rocked the Pixar and Marvel franchises, I mean come on, if you didn't know Disney was behind movies like Iron Man 1 & 2, Thor, Capt. America, and The Avengers, and you watched those movies, would you have any idea they were a Disney movie until the castle outline came up to tell you so?

Disney films have come along way since Bambi and Thumper, they have done an awesome job with the Marvel franchise, and there is no reason why they wouldn't do the same with the Star Wars franchise.

Besides which, although Lucas says he has Ep. 7, 8, & 9 sort of drawn out, and that he will be retained as a consultant on the those movies, Disney is really starting Ep.7 with a blank canvas.

End of Ep 6, Vader is dead, the Emperor is dead, and the Empire has been crushed, save for a few characters that never seem to age that they can use to tie them to the other 6 movies (Chewbacca, R2D2, C3P0, etc, etc), Disney can pretty much do what they want as far as how the story is told. Smartest thing to do would be to set Ep 7 far enough into the future from Ep 6, so they don't have to tie in the characters of Leia, Skywalker, Solo, other than maybe what happened to them may eons ago.

I wouldn't expect Ep 7 to pick up where Ep 6 left off, just look at how much of a time gap there is between Ep 3 and Ep 4.

I suppose though, they could do cameos of an older Solo, Skywalker, Leia....but don't expect them to reprise their roles as a starring actor/actress.

Maybe something like Skywalker as head of the Jedi Counsel? Think it would be cheesy myself, and I honestly think the only one that could pull it off convincingly is Harrison Ford reprising his role as Solo, albeit a much older Solo, but what would be be doing? One last run with the Falcon? LOL
Jaitea said:
Word is that Disney have the rights to make further SW movies, cartoons,TV shows, etc & control of merchandising of characters.
Fox still controls the original 6 movies at the minute, so no immediate indication that we will get a release of the Original Cinematic versions on Blu-ray....but the main thing is that Lucas has loosened his grip on them.


Yeah, you're right. However Fox only own the rights until 2020, then it reverts to Disney. That's a huge wait, but at least there's light at the end of the tunnel. I wonder if Disney will swoop in and do a deal with Fox. The 3D episodes II and III are still to come out in cinemas, so after that, Fox won't have much reason to remain in control.
I waited for such a news of more SW movies, for years but never expected Lucas to sell it outright to Disney and now Disney wants to make a LOT of SW movies. This is exciting times for us SW fans!

As far as I know there are novels and comics that go beyond the movies and are considered canonical. If Disney messes those up the long time fans will be pissed. But then those are probably the minority of their intended target.
Hopefully the new series will be awesome, so far in my opinion Empire Strikes Back is by far the best Star Wars movie ever made. Hopefully, the new movies will be of this caliber.
I agree. Lucas lost the cool factor. I loved John carter...and avengers etc... I think we could be pleastly surprised with what they do in 2015 .
Well, I for one, would love to see Han Solo and Chebacca at it onboard the Millennium Falcon one last time.
However, in the books, Luke is head of the Jedai Academy, Han and Leia have kids (Leia is a full Jedi and so are the kids). Luke is married and his wife is a Jedi as well.
Oh and sadly Chewie is dead. :'(
Can only be interesting. With Lucas on as a consultant, there should be some realistic consistency. The real interesting thing is actors... Fisher, Hamill, Ford and co are all getting on a bit, they will probably need to use newbies, but don't rule out a cameo or two from the originals.

Can only mean more models Aye!!!!!!!!!
Lucas will make a killing on royalties that's a given ! LOL

Can't wait to see what D. will make out of the franchise ???
I didn't know that Disney was behind the marvel stuff.mthose are good movies.

That being said, think Star Wars should go away for a good long time. The prequels were garbage, with crappy actors, and lacked the organic, asymmetric, grimey quality that made the originals such a hit, IMO. Those movies were just so original and had so many creative people working on them, all on the same wavelength. It will be a slim chance to ever see movies that good again.

All the material to come after has just been scraping the barrel, trying to cash in on that original synergy of creative people. Well, that's Hollywood for ya.

I hate to be a pessimist, but I just can't see any good material coming out of new Star Wars movies. It's all gotten too well defined now, with too much lore and history. I loved the original movies because it left stuff to your imagination. I think that's a good thing.

This is as bad an idea as a new Star Trek series would be. ;D :p

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