Black Sheep 1
It seems that, at one time, I was able to play YouTube videos on my Ipad2 on Safari.
After a while this was not possible anymore and I was forced to use the YouTube Ap included in the Ipad2.
Well, today I discovered this ap is gone and so is my ability to view YouTube videos on this tablet.
So what's next?
I'm seriously considering changing tablets, maybe going with Sony?
I don't know yet but these issues with Apple and I pad is pissing me off.
After a while this was not possible anymore and I was forced to use the YouTube Ap included in the Ipad2.
Well, today I discovered this ap is gone and so is my ability to view YouTube videos on this tablet.
So what's next?
I'm seriously considering changing tablets, maybe going with Sony?
I don't know yet but these issues with Apple and I pad is pissing me off.