Not exactly a “What If” but a “Maybe”: 1944 finnish uparmored SU-122.

:D Hi again, guys…

Scott, Quaralane, Panzerace007, Eastrock thanks for watching, mates. Thanks a lot, really.

:D Erik, my friend, the HAKARISTIS (Finnish swastika) come from an Echelon decal set for Finnish Stug III AKA “Sturmi”… the wide surfaces of the SU-122 have received them very well, I think…

:D Eastrock... hand painted, yes. Very slowly. First time I paint a 3-color hard edge camo. I was SWEATING, man.

Well, here´s a synopsis of my advances:

A.- I´ve finished applying oxide/rust pigments to the tracks; also I´ve used an HB pencil to emulate the bare metal caused by friction in the most exposed parts to contact of the tracks.


B.- I´ve done “mapping”, with some oils and turpentine, following Mig Jimenez FAQs wheatering steps.


C.- After mapping, I´ve done “pin wash” (I think you call that technique with than name) using raw umber oil and turpentine… sorry no pics!

D.- After pin wash, I´ve done a three tone good ol´ “dry brushing”. I don´t know why this technique seems to be “out of fashion” those days. I think it works perfectly!

F.- And by now, I´m currently doing (this step is not finished, guys) paint & surface oxide/rust chipping, mainly in areas most exposed to contact / friction. I´ve used a very small brus and some small pieces of sponge.

Here are some pics, guys:







;) And that’s all by now! Hope you like it. It´s the first time in my life that I apply all those techniques…

Now I must go to buy a red wine bottle, the nearest shop to my home is 10km/6miles. Tomorrow I´m going to have lunch at my brother in law home (the Infantry LtCol "Experten" cooking paella), so I must add some drink. He´s also master making GIN TONIC. I can see that tomorrow will be a "hard day" ;D ;D ;D

(Post Data: I´ve been a little modelling-passive this week)

Cheers/Salud, guys :)
Looks good for brush painting. Can't really tell in the photos. And yes I agree, there is nothing wrong with drybrushing. I still do things the old way too. As of yet I do not own any aftermarket pigments, washes etc. I'd like to try them sometime but for now it will have to be paint, graphite and good ole chalk pastel. ;D

Can't you get any decent rum in Spain? I find that hard to believe. Next you'll tell me you can't find any olives! ;D
:) Back from buying the red wine. I´ve bought a "Ribera del Duero". Very good wine zone !!!

Quaralane, thanks a lot, my friend. I do what I can !!! ;)

Noname... wow, man !!! ;D RUM !!! You hit the spot! ;D

Well, first think I must confess is that I do not drink white-transparent rum. I like aged ones.

I like to drink rum directly from the bottle (in small glasses), no ice, no mixes. Maybe I can escort them with cold lager beer.

I´m drinking now (well, I´m almost finished with that bottle) at home "Ron Barceló", from Republica Dominicana.

OH. I forgot that I like to drink Mojitos. In laaarge quantities ;D ;D sometimes, of course. But I prefer rum & beer separately.

My best mate is married to a Cuban girl... wow man, BELIEVE ME: he brought me a bottle of rum from Cuba that I finished easily in less than a week... It could be drink like water, in my opinion (he also brought me a 24 COHIBA cigar case wow... I do not know if you´ve smoked cuban cigars... they taste well, mate ! )

You can get a crack rum here called "Matusalen". Top Nocht, noname.

;D Olives... ;D Man I think you know a litttle about basic Spain´s food. You would be mad here with all the varieties of olives. I you like very good cuisine, food, and drinking (quality AND quantity), and nightlife you NEED to visit Spain. Specially Andalucia, where I would like to retire (Almeria). Wow!!!

See you :D
Thumbs up, Matusalem is the best rum I have ever tasted.

I was so happy yesturday when in the city I found a shop that just specializes in olive oil. There is over dozen on tap you can sample. They also have different balsamic vinegars and a couple other things to. I got a couple little bottles of truffle infused olive oil. I've always wanted to try it and I fell in love instantly.

I like different food from all over the world. Spain certainly has some great food from what I can gather. About a year ago I was happy to find some Spanich (smoked) paparika. I had fun trying it on many different things. I also have some Spanish Saffron. Amazing stuff. It is not cheap but a little goes a long way.

Have fun, sounds like your off for a good evening. And by the way I've also had some great wine from Spain. I find I often favour those from the hotter climated. Argentina and Chile have alot to offer as well. ;)

Lookin' Awesome !! That's a Hard Rocker !!! The Weathering is Bangin' & it's th 1st time trying th FX , I'd say that you passed the Audition !! It's even more Impressive that you painted th Camo with Tamiya Paint ....
Question : With all of the Vallejo that you have , Why didn't you use Vallejo for the Camo ? I've recently found a Love for Vallejo & will Never again try to brush paint with Tamiya.

Awesome Work !!

I've always Dry Brushed My Panzers !! I love it !! I don't exactly know why it's fallen out of Favor either .... Oh, Well ... Their Loss I suppose.

You have to do Me a Favor .... Eat some of that Awesome Paella for Me .... I F'n Love Paella !! I'm sure your Cunado makes th best en El Mundo ! ALso drink some Rum for Me !! Us Native Americans love Rum ( I'm Cherokee)

I raise My Glass ( I'm drinking Bourbon{Maker's Mark} & Ginger Ale) to You & to the Expertly done SU-122.

Vallejo es Mi Amore .... ;D Vallejo tiene Mi Corozone ! ;D .... Es verdad ... Muchas Bourbon y Ginger Ale ... ;D

Nos Vemos Amigo !!

Good morning!

Erik, man, I just try to follow the steps shown by some Experten, here and there... but I think I´m really faaaaar from being expert... I´m a re-born modelling beginner! I just have more patience, access to info, and cash than when I was a boy... you know ;)

Well... I haven´t used Vallejo to paint the camo of this AFV because... this was my first time trying to paint this way... as simple as that !!

But I´ve fully used Vallejo for the dry-brush and for the paint "chipping". I allways add a little drop of water to Vallejo paint... I´ve found that this paint dries very quickly... with some water it flows better.

The model is not finished, OK? it´s weathering still requires some more steps...

Cheers, mates :)
Hey Jelly !!

Good Mornin' ! One thing also to Try is Liquitex Slow Blending Gel ( it is a Gift from th Gods ) mix in a couple of drops with Vallejo. It acts like a Retarder & helps to keep it from drying out quick - especially when you Dry Brush.

Keep up th Great Work !!
seeing your background.... you seem to have quite the VALEJO colours collection !!!

There isn't much selection in my LHS.... especially the AIR variant .... I wish he brought more in but...
I might just go the E Commerce way .... if they ship by Mail ???

The Camo looks great... I see you are going to town with the weathering.... good for you!

I always tend to keep mine quasi clean ! hard to break the old habits...


out !
RE: Finnish uparmored SU-122.

Wow! That paint/weathering really looks great! It may inspire me to build a Finnish SU-122. Very nice work.

Frank Blanton

Russki (Fin) bang boxes are not my strong suit so I'm not sure what the what-if aspect is. Non-the-less I'm really liking your build. It nice to see Russki armor in clothes other then green, and awesome weathering.

No comment regarding rubber chicken asking to do a lap dance.... ::)
Good Morning to you all, guys, :D

:D X 10 !!!

@ Schweinhund… :D well mate, the Vallejo that you can see in the background of the photo comes from a “buildup” of modelling supplies that I made when I slowly returned to this modelling world… here in Spain Vallejo is homemade, so it´s easily bought. I think that you can get that paint buying it in internet, because it is solvent free (pure acrylic I think), so it shouldn´t be classified as a “ Haz Mat “ shipment.

@ Frank Blanton :D… :D thanks a lot, Frank !!! … but, please, remember… this is not a “real” SU-122 … it was never used by Finnish… this is a “calisthenics” (I think that´s the correct word in English) model build… ;)

@ Errains… :D thanks a lot, man… well… the “What If / Maybe “ comes from…

a.- The supposedly [ captured / sold by Germans] use of this AFV by the Finnish,
b.- The more or less realistic camo pattern (Sturmi pattern),
c.- The addition of the “side spare boxes” (I think that this is what you call “bang boxes”, I didn´t knew the expression you have used ) …. I´ve seen some Finnish T-34 / 76 models with this boxes added… and I think I´ve read about it in a place named “Andreaslaska” or so about Finnish armor in WWII …

:) This is the first time I do this kind of weathering and use of painting and weathering techniques developed back in the 90´s up today… Well, to do the weathering I´m following (trying to follow) the steps developed in the book FAQs (Mig Jimenez). There´s a full room of “first time” for me in this model, guys. I´m just trying to train myself with this model.

;) Let me tell you all that I´m very surprised (very, VERY gladly) about how positively you´ve welcome the model, boys… sadly ... :-X ... I talked about it in certain very well known modelling forum (very well known where I live :-X ) and I was told more or less that this model should be shown in the Fantasy Section (Gundam modelling, for example)… and in other words more or less that “a serious modeller does not builds this kind of models”… :eek: ... so after hearing these "pearls" … with my eyes open like full moons… I quietly closed my mouth and simply “vanished” without a noise… that´s why I´m so pleased of having discovered / being in this forum !!! THIS IS A VERY FRIENDLY MODELLING PLACE. :D

Well… Errains… the chicken & the lap dance… sincerely, I didn´t knew about the expression until I saw Vanessa Ferlito´s dance at “Deathproof” movie… so… I tried to add some fun to the photo… just that… of course I can retire that photo immediately if somebody feels uncomfortable by that “joke”. :)

Cheers, guys, and thanks a lot again ;) :D

1) That lap Dance Joke is a Funny one !! As long as you don't get Derogatory or attack someones race , it's cool !! Oh ... No nudity ... We do have some Younglings here on th SMA !! ;D

2) I'm sorry to hear that you got the Cold Shoulder from The Boyz back Home ! One thing I would like to Point out ... Even th "Masters" do "What If " tanks from time to time ... & from What I'ce seen these Guys get rave reviews. It is hard that when th Average Joe does a What If he gets shredded by th Public , but let a "Master" do a What if & You'd think He invented th Wheel ?? I don't understand it sometimes. MOdeler's from all Back Grounds do "What If 's" from Time to time !! Don't ever let that stop you from Building a Model !! Those Guys that slagged you are slightly Narrow minded & have lost sight of Modeling .... Like Ken's Motto - " Build how you like & Like how you Build" - Can't be stated enough !!
Look at this -

Now .. I wanna make this clear - I love MIG , I really like th stuff that he does & He's a Heck of a Gentleman ,a True Artist & a Very Humble Person !! I had a chance to speak with him at length at th last AMPS International convention & perhaps you've seen th Interview that I did for th SMA News. He's really a True Gentleman & very approchable & Down to Earth !! A Very Passionate Modeler !

My point is, look at all of th positive responses He has. No one was Negative or disrespected him. Now .. If th Average Joe posted that he would get th same treatment that You received - Which is Not Cool ! I really Dig this Panther that MIG did. In fact I like th "What IF" stuff it gives you a chance to branch out & be a lil' more Free & express your Artistic ability !! It's like Historical Fiction !!

Jelly , perhaps some of th Chaps that you ran into need to lighten up & relax . One Question you could post to them - Prove it Never Existed - ;D

I really Dig this Tank !! I think it looks Awesome !! I'm lookin froward to th finished product !! Great Job weathering it !!!

3) "Bang Box" - Another Nick Name for a Tank ;D

Modelo en amigo. Nunca dejes que el viento deja tus velas

Salud !
Jelly Awesome job on the su 122 looks fantastic and in my opinon at first glance i wouldnt have thought that, that was the first time that you used those techniques you nailed it perfectly. great job. ;D ;D

Hello again, guys, :D

I´ve got some modelling time again, and have some “serious” progress in the finishing if the SU122 (advice: still not finished).

As you can see, I´ve finally set the tracks on the model.

I must confess that the track´s shag is “cocky”… but not realistic… well, this has been a building-model experience of try-and-fail… I´ll never again fix with glue ANY additional plastic piece to the hull of the tank related to Modelkasten or Friul tracks… I followed “blindly” the instructions given for the tracks… WRONG! I ended with track lengths of 74 links, it would have been ok with 72 links length… but as I glued a specific piece… I was UNABLE of getting together the 72 links track… but I can live with it… I LIKE the results, guys!

I´ve also tried to:

0.- Increase the dusting (with “Natural Earth” pigment) over the bogies & that stuff.

1.- Make some oil/fuel drops over the engine compartment… I´ve used a mix of very diluted brown + black Vallejo plus some glossy varnish… First time, I think that the results is fully OK.

2.- I tried also to make heavy grease leakages in the bogies, idler wheel & so… First time, again… I used water, black Vallejo, and a variable mix of satin & glossy varnish… I´m not absolutely convinced of the results… but I like them, again. NEXT time I will use higly diluted mix of brown + black oils, plus some glossy (oil base) varnish: as I´ve checked in first person water has a poor capillarity behavior over “pigmented” surfaces… I think that oil will behave better next time (but I promise all of you that there will be some time ahead before getting into an 1:35 Ol´ Chap Tamiya Su122 again.. ).

3.- Spare track links painted with Vallejo 70822 and when it dried, I applied some Mig “Standard Rust” directly. Same treatment for the exhausts, but heavy on pigments and using pigment fixer this time.

4.- Towing cables, painted satin black, then applied Mig “Standard Rust” diluted with pigment fixer.

5.- Tools painted with Vallejo 70822, some of them increased the rusted with pigments. In the case of the saw, increased the “light” with a light drybrush of 70981 orange brown. I´ve discovered also that orange brown is good also to increase the light of leather straps & so.

Here some pics I´ve taken today: hope you can easily check the advances over older posts...









I think (WOW... "I think" :eek: .... .... ;D ) that I still have to do to consider this model "Finished - Mission Accomplished":

A.- Dust a little more frontal zone an some sides (light dusting, I dwell)

B.- Add “crew”. I´m going to use TRISTAR´s “Russian Tank Crew”


C.- And I´m thinking in adding some camo tree-branches with leaves, but I´m currently trying to make them at home, and I´m not sure about the results. This is a little unclear aspect: believe me: my wife has the opinion that if I put some camo tree branches over the model “it will hide some of details you´ve been working on, Roberto… I like more the model this way…” ( Yes: I love her, yeah ;) ).

Cheers & beers, guys, :D
As always, positive waves comments and jokes are 110% welcome.


;D ;D ;D DON´T WORRY: I still have to "smoke" the engine exhausts discharging zone, this way:


;) Cheers again...
Hey Jelly!

Your Finny bang-box is looking sweet!! Dose kind of blow about the tracks but I think they looking good, in fact I didn't even notice until I read through your post...

Tough call about the tree branches. I think a few, just to suggest camouflage would add to the over all feel of the tank based on you nice camo paint job. But I would never suggest to go against the CINC-House (aka the Wife) ;)

Keep up the great work!
Rum, cigars and an awesome tank. I like this thread!

Seriously, great detail on the weathering and I enjoyed reading your thorough posts. The gun on that tank looks brutal. Was this machine a tank hunter/self propelled gun?
Good Morning again, guys, :)

It´s glad to read that the Tamiya´s lil´monster its not becoming an “ignominious model”, you know… ;D

@ Quaralane: thanks again, man! Yes, you´re absolutely right about the DIO matter, I have what I consider a cool idea, but I´ve never done a dio before, and as Finland is a very-very forested country… my idea needs finnish endemic trees (yes, I´ve investigated a little about this, I´ve got their names) … and I´m worried ( ::) ) about making / getting those endemic trees… your ideas are/will be always appreciated, Quaralane… :D

@ Errains: thanks, mate! :D Glad to hear you High & Clear, lad… yes, I was a lil´dissapointed with the tracks, but I think that this shag doesn´t “destroys” the model. And you are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT not opposing Home CIC !!! ;D ;D It would have the same effect as throwing “Powerpuff Girls” Toy Boxes at a Königstiger. I´m a veteran in this matter, don´t worry… :D :D

@ Cave Dweller: :) hey boy, I´m happy to read that you have enjoyed the “parallel story” ;D. It is in another two threads or so but I must recommend you to taste some BBQ day, before the beers go at Flank Speed, an appetizer (very recently discovered) consisting on Smoked Fish and straight ICED Vodka, small shots. One pint of this spirit would go OK for two or three guys (no Rum / Cuban Cohiba cigars this time, Cave…. ;D) Like this one ;D:


Cave, the SU-122 was the less effective and less produced design of the WWII 34´s based series of vehicles… it had a ridiculous transversal gun pivoting angle… and the howitzer used (122 mm gun) in it didn´t offer a high speed for AT projectile (all “short” barrelled hwtzrs have this restraint)… but the HE ones proved to be devastating against buildings, strongpoints, pillboxes, bunkers & so… a “nutcracker”, you know.

Oh, I think I need to clarify this: about using Tristar WWII Russian AFV crew to emulate WWII Finnish AFV crew… basically they weared the same kind of overalls and the same sausage-style leather helmet… exactly the same… the uniform (if any, in summe) under the overall would be the only variation, of course, but I do not intend to depict any of these… the overalls used by the finnish ones could be (indistinctly) either gray or blue. Here is a sample of the gray shade I´m talking about (obviously he´s not wearing either overall or the leather helmet, but just to show the gray shade color):

WARNING: Those photos are shown here exclusively for didactic purposes:



Cheers, guys, :)
and thanks again for reading & sharing, ;)

WoW ! It looks Great with those Trax !! I really Dig th Weathering on th Road wheels. It all ties together nicely !! Seriously Don't Sweat it !

Rock-On Bro !!! \m/

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