Thank you guys for the positive comments
Cave_Dweller said:
Did you draw up plans for this or are you freestyling? ;D
I did do a very basic (and i do mean basic) sketch and made a small model just to prove the main body tube constuction idea i had and the wing profile 'look', but no detailed drawings, a few scribbles of key sections to get a feel of the shape maybe but thats all.
I'm doing what i am going to call 'controlled freestyling'. There are elements/ideas or a look i want to include or that inspires each assembly, the specifics are not certain.
For example, the look i wanted to achieve with the back of the wing area is based on the back of a Star Destroyer,
I always liked the way it was sunken back in a bit.
That is the 'look' i was going for, now the flaps were always going to be movable because then on the back of the wing i could detail it with the actuators and related stuff plus the flaps were a way of making the wing profile more interesting and when i googled aircraft flaps they all had airbrakes so i thought 'i could do that to mine'.
All the parts of the ship had an original 'trigger' idea, the engine intake fairing is based on the intakes of my favourite aircraft, the F14 tomcat.
The small wings at the front from are from Firefox, not identical but just a starting point, the specifics came during construction.
It is an evolving design but still matches the vision in my head. 8)
I Hope this answers your question Mr Cave Dweller
Sorry to hear about your brain John. ;D