LOL...No donkey on this one Gee!! ;D Saving that for a rainy day!!!
Thank you Erik!! I feel that way all the time!! Figures are usually not my strong suite but I think after a few more I might get it down!! LOL!!
OK...let's put this one to bed!!!!
I made up some Armor Farm German Supply Boxes...these are actually great to work with. Easy to cut, cut lines printed on and around and super high quality printings/markings on them!
Some of these boxes made it through a weathering stage I have been working on! .....still easy to work with!!
I hit the barrel I painted with a little chipping and weathering and it was time to stick this one down! Here I also wanted to give this one some character. As you can see, the barrel is tipped spilling whatever contents were left in it.
The boxes and pallet are ready for placement now.
Here I placed all the components. I thought this would be an interesting little scene....fitting for the name!
Next up was a bit of ground works.....Again, I turned to the Armor Farm! Using some of the Barley and Wheat with a couple added Buffalo Turfs from Silflor...plug and glue and repeat!!
A little drying and that that!!
Thanks for the support along the way on this quick one!!!
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