Practice makes perfect

So I started playing around with some of these Streaking Effects, Grime, and Fuel Stains and I see how you guys fall in love with the stuff. Especially the Fuel Stains. It really is very versatile in it's application. The "new" spills you can make with it remind me of, and I'm not kidding, maple syrup. You can achieve the same visual with a drop or two of Aunt Jemima. And I'm quite sure it tastes a whole lot better too!
Great to hear you having so much fun with the Ak stuff Glorfindel! I actually took the plunge myself last night and dropped about $50 on the AK sight ;D
OK so I went to the AK site and dumped about $100.00 into a stash perhaps two weeks back then dumped another $16.00 into this Russian T-40 Amphibious Tank from my LHS. The kit is poorly to moderately detailed but it was cheep and that was the goal. I took the time to throw this together in all of maybe two hours tops. I immediately went straight to paint, no primer, and mixed up a concoction of Tamiya Acrylics for this yellowy-green look. I did pre-shade first for the record. After the paint dried...forced by the use of a hair drier...I hand brushed on a coat of 50/50 wet Future. This I let sit to dry a couple of hours. Later that night it was onto a quick bit of Oil filters and some Oil fading here and there. At this point I let it sit overnight to cure just a wee bit.
In the morning before I left for work I brushed on another coat of wet Future...same 50/50 mix...and let that cure while I went to earn my keep. That night I rubbed my hands together like Uncle Fester scheming and plotting. Now the one thing I didn't pick up from AK and don't have in my house at this time is White Spirits or Mineral Spirits. I read somewhere, or maybe someone here mentioned that you can use Turpenoid in addition to the previous.
And here we go.....



You may notice a bunch of things I didn't pay attention too like the turret in the pics isn't pushed down all the way. Nor is it finished. I called it quits when I felt I pretty much had the look I was shooting for with the AK. Also there were a couple of parts that I knocked off when I AB my base coat that I decided not to bother with putting back on like the two headlights at the front of the tank and the prop at the back end. There's also a tail light that popped off that I think the carpet consumed...haven't found that yet....should check the vacuum.
I should also tell you that I did not use a wash for the panel lines at all on this. I let the Oil paints do that work so I let it ride. I will say those pigments are the bomb! That Dark Steel and Black are insanely corruptive. Suggestions and criticisms here are most definitely warranted. Let me know.

Oh' I just had to modify this a bit. For the chipping I did lay down a coat of Tamiya Flat Aluminum followed by a coat of Future. I also used the salt technique with Hair Spray. I did admittedly go overboard with the salt. Though much of the filters, washes, and AK products took care of the over-flavoring. Sorry about that.
i think you learnt your lessons very well :) one thing i would say is if you every build a tank again add the pigment before putting on the wheels :). I wouldnt use salt unless i was going to rust somthing, for chiping use AK chipping fluids or Hairspray.

But over all i think for your first attempt with these you have done a steller job,
Hey Anthony!!

I like where you're headed!! First, nice bid on the cheap practice kit!!! Nothing better than that. It could be 5 cents and it would look like a million with the right paint job. Remember on these kits, you can clean em up, prime and have at it over and over again. Test beds are just FUN!!

I think you should toss on a Burnt Umber or Sienna pin wash on the joints, it would make everything just Pop a bit. I think the streaking is looking the part and the Dark Steel does Rock, I keep a bottle under my pillow at night!!!!!! :eek:

The chipping works too, like the faded remnant of a whitewash almost! With a fine tip brush and a nice brown rusty paint and chip some rust into the edges and corners that would get whacked. Then apply a quick rub of Dark Steel to the edge.

Great Job!!! ;)

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