Professional Model Builder?

You must drink some very expensive beer Tony. Last year at Euro, Adam Wilder sold three of his models for nine grand. That doesnt include what each model brought him per magazine article, which could easily be six hundred each, in English magazines then in French magazines, then in Spanish magazines... etc.

In this light, if each of those models was featured in three magazines, they each made him eighteen hundred a piece, before the three grand a piece.

I don't know what your income is, or what knd of beer you drink but if he did that once a month, fortyeight hundred a month, that equals over fifty seven grand.

Then theres his DVD sales, Osprey masterclass books, paid demonstrations, seminars etc...

I think you underestimate the posibilties a bit. ;)
That's a lot of bucks!!! :eek:

well making a living out of it makes you a pro...

so it means even you got all the expensive stuff (wicked airbrush, full color range, AM parts etc) it doesn't consider you a pro as long your not making a living for it and would fall for an extra income, right?
Oh I thought you guys were just talking about building models and selling them.
Last I read Adam was having somebody else build them and he did the painting.

If you are able to do that I wont worry about you so much anymore. ;D

Tony lee :D
LOL Tony, I aint no Adam Wilder. ;)

..and he still builds, his photo etch DVD is all him building. I know of other 'big names' who don't build and just paint but I'm not so sure Adam is one of them.

Eastrock said:
That's a lot of bucks!!! :eek:

It certainly is.

And publishing houses like Osprey pay their authors royalties, so if after the first ten thousand run of books sell off in three years, you get another check when the second run of ten thousand books is printed. Even if it's only .79 cents a book royalty, that's almost another eight grand in your pocket.

Modelers like Miguel Jimenez and Adam Wilder etc. certainly aren't flying around the world on their own dime and giving seminars to model clubs out of the kindness of their heart. ;) Every time an Adam Wilder DVD sells, for the next twenty or thirty years, he gets paid.

Then there is the pattern maker. What do you think Charlie Pritchett makes when he sells yet another master to Verlinden? He certainly isn't doing it for free pizza and a two liter bottle of Pepsi. Verlinden stands to make tens of thousands of dollars off that master, but it might cost them a couple grand to get it. if he makes a pattern or two a month...

There's money in it, just like anything.

Heck there's money in the ground if you wanna put the effort in the digging. ;D
Ken Abrams said:
LOL Tony, I aint no Adam Wilder. ;)

..and he still builds, his photo etch DVD is all him building. I know of other 'big names' who don't build and just paint but I'm not so sure Adam is one of them.

Eastrock said:
That's a lot of bucks!!! :eek:

It certainly is.

And publishing houses like Osprey pay their authors royalties, so if after the first ten thousand run of books sell off in three years, you get another check when the second run of ten thousand books is printed. Even if it's only .79 cents a book royalty, that's almost another eight grand in your pocket.

Modelers like Miguel Jimenez and Adam Wilder etc. certainly aren't flying around the world on their own dime and giving seminars to model clubs out of the kindness of their heart. ;) Every time an Adam Wilder DVD sells, for the next twenty or thirty years, he gets paid.

Then there is the pattern maker. What do you think Charlie Pritchett makes when he sells yet another master to Verlinden? He certainly isn't doing it for free pizza and a two liter bottle of Pepsi. Verlinden stands to make tens of thousands of dollars off that master, but it might cost them a couple grand to get it. if he makes a pattern or two a month...

There's money in it, just like anything.

Heck there's money in the ground if you wanna put the effort in the digging. ;D

Forgive my ignorance but....who's Adam Wilder?
World class armor modeler, partner at MIG productions, co author of several Osprey titles, author of hundreds of magazine articles...

Honestly, I wouldn't know where to start.

Google would return hours worth of answers to that question though.

And publishing houses like Osprey pay their authors royalties

Is this new? I know 2-3 authors that have done books for Osprey. They got paid to do the book and that is royalties, whether Osprey sold 10 or 10000 books, they got paid the same amount.

LOL..maybe that is why they stopped doing them!

As far as Ken not being a pro.......well he is darn close to one then. Ken produces quality mag models and articles, places at shows and comps, does some masters for casting and is very skilled in nearly all painting techniques.................not a pro eh.

As far as I see, Ken is a very skilled modeler, just because he places at shows and competitions and does the occasional magazine article, I don't perceive that as a "Pro"....he isn't doing it trying to make a living (although I am sure he would love to trade in the plow truck for a truck load of money for building models)

Heck, I got pictures of a couple of models in FSM and got paid for it. That make me a "Pro"....or Semi-Pro??
Elm City Hobbies said:
And publishing houses like Osprey pay their authors royalties

Is this new?

No, depends on the author and the agreement they make.

(and of course... I'm talking about Master Class or similar model building subject matter, not 'Knights of the Round Table' or Into the Civil War' history type stuff. I don't know if there's a difference)
Well then mr wilder is on a different playing field, that is some serious mula and if he is good enough to be able to do that then hats off to him.
Well soon enough we will also see Ken's name with his Famous Beard on other Magazines ;D

Just don't forget to mention your buddies around the world :eek:

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