You must drink some very expensive beer Tony. Last year at Euro, Adam Wilder sold three of his models for nine grand. That doesnt include what each model brought him per magazine article, which could easily be six hundred each, in English magazines then in French magazines, then in Spanish magazines... etc.
In this light, if each of those models was featured in three magazines, they each made him eighteen hundred a piece, before the three grand a piece.
I don't know what your income is, or what knd of beer you drink but if he did that once a month, fortyeight hundred a month, that equals over fifty seven grand.
Then theres his DVD sales, Osprey masterclass books, paid demonstrations, seminars etc...
I think you underestimate the posibilties a bit.
In this light, if each of those models was featured in three magazines, they each made him eighteen hundred a piece, before the three grand a piece.
I don't know what your income is, or what knd of beer you drink but if he did that once a month, fortyeight hundred a month, that equals over fifty seven grand.
Then theres his DVD sales, Osprey masterclass books, paid demonstrations, seminars etc...
I think you underestimate the posibilties a bit.