Punk's Snowspeeder WIP in Studio Scale..YEHH!

yeh the tubes look like ambilical cords or very high weiners! but refer to the previos pics with them in cockpit to see how those fit in nice!
Thanx Igard. the visors are made from a sheet of stage lighting film already colored orange that i already had from my previous builds. just cut em out and glued in.
PpP ,

WoW ! Great Job on th Figures. The Visors are Genius !! I suppose if you're flyin' around a Sub-Zero Planet you'd need some Big Clunky Gloves.

A Fine touch on th Paint too !! This thing is really shapin' up !! Looks Awesome !!

Yeah .. I agree .... lookin' at these Star Wars builds .... It's makin' Me want to grab one out of th Stash ... but how can I follow up with these ? ;D , I'll just take Notes & "Unleash th Force" on th Falcon Build !! ;D

Thanx for th Inspiration PpP !! Although this isn't th Falcon .. It's still Got My Star Wars Juices flowin' !!!

Yeh i would love more star wars builds here panzer! To be honest i'm a little intimidated doing the falcon kit. Its not the easiest ship to pull off correctly. Ive seen many really good builds of it here and on other forums.
Theres Hurricane Irene outside now so instead of panic like everyone else i painted up the seats. I used Tamiya Light Blue (which is a great color for XWing canopys because its darker and blue-greyish)
Also used Testors Aluminum enamel for the metal parts, did a black wash on the metal and then drybrushed Testor's Chrome Steel on those sections. Some brown pastel weathering on the blueish grey seats.
Oh and on the front pilot's controls i added a drop of Tamiya Red CLEAR to the tops of all six. This should prove to be a good rememdy for the lack of me lighting the kit. dried up they look like bulbs and really pop.

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Stay safe, Punk. Good to hear you're not panicking. Must be really nasty outside!

Those little red controls are SHARP! Looking really good all round.
Sorry for the lack of updates. Hurricane Irene wiped out our electricity for 2 days. should be back on her tomorrow hopefully.
Last night and tonite were super productive. The cockpit and canopy are finished! I Just have to route some wires inside with some angled tweezers but thats it. Weathering was done with grounded brown and black pastels and also some MIG Productions' pigments.
The decals this came with were a dream considering its a garage resin kit. They are perfectly printed, strong and easy to use as a styrene kit's supplied decals.
The canopy isn't fully glued down yet but will handle that tomorrow.

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Just 7 leters, Punk:
A-W-E-S-O-M-E ;D
This cockpit looks fantastic, excellent job on painting it and bringing to justice with all those additional details.
Top drawer stuff, my man.

The cockpit is looking so crisp. Great details. There was really no need for fibre optics in there.
Great job man this is looking sweeeeeeeeeeeet!
p.s didnt think about making tiny bubble wrap seatbelts lol???
PpP ,

Yeah Dude. Lookin Great ! Those Figures are startin' to PoP ! I agree th Interior is coming alive & lookin' Hot Boi !!

I'm lookin' forward to th Exterior Paint & weathering !!!

I faired pretty good in Irene . No loss of Power & Direct T.V. stayed on th entire time ! Watched th Weather Channel though ... The wind whipped up a couple of times .. nothing Major !

Keep Rockin this Speeder out Bro !! Great lookin work !