Thing is you can watch a bit here and there...or the entire I'll be doing progress updates every so often.
But for the prizes (Tshirts, stickers, a mag or two) you have to 'be there' when the draw is made. Should be interesting. Just hope my connection holds up.
Looking forward to it, I'm as you know on holiday at the parents house and brought the in-laws with us so having to transalate and play tourguide... but really hoping to tune in as much as I can!
Just keep the family off the internet so we can see great video with no drops hehehe
Wow, Ambitious are we! Best of luck Scott. I have to be at work for 5:30 am ( O'dark thirty) Thursday morning but will check out your progress when I get home sometime in the afternoon.
Watching from work at Minot AFB, Chilly North Dakota. I saw that you spray in the room with no spray booth. Does the fumes become overpowering at all? If you answered this on the live stream, I apologize as work might have pulled me away for a few minutes...and the internet here sucks. Good luck with the build, the world is pressure!
Was fun to watch off and on while I was cleaning and reorganizing the CMD...although I have to say that you got me on a Tragically Hip kick now...for the record though, the Tragically Hip station on Pandora plays a pretty diverse mix of music I loved through high school and that's worthy!
Looking at the velocity stacks, and this being an X-Wing theme, I might change them out for 3 lightsabre style pipes... also gonna touch up the scribed panel lines on the body. Maybe sand back the raised bits a bit.