Revell 1/32 UH-1D Huey


Jan 7, 2014
Hello all,

Picked this up recently while visiting Ottawa with the wife and kids. This will be my first helicopter kit.


Thanks for looking!

Advice, comments and questions welcome :)
Got some of those in the shop here. Got to looking at it, and I think it was the first aircraft kit I ever built way back when.

First one I remember building anyway.

From what I remember (I was probably like 11 or 12 so awhile ago), it goes together fairly well, just have to becareful of the seam on the upper fuselage, if I remember right, the cabin assembly needs a little trimming to get the seams to close up.

Then again, as I said I was 11 or 12, so you just threw enough glue at it to hold it together back then!! LOL
Thanks Scott! Got encouraged to spray some primer last night and encountered some problems with the current airbrush setup... really need to upgrade before I can finish this and the BSC build
ulvdemon said:
Been looking at getting this particular model. Looks real good.

So far it's going together pretty well. Was planning on building it plain (without any of the guns or rockets) but I've only noticed now that the rear doors are missing and I can't remember since buying the kit ever seeing them.... oh well such is life.

Some good news though. Out with the old. 20150811_233657_zpsnufv8b3h.jpg

In with the new. 20150811_234030_zpsofjnxlow.jpg

Tried my hand laying some primer with the new setup :D
Going to have to practice before I get the hang of it, but really enjoying it thus far.



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