Revell 1/48 A-10

OK, more than 3/4s done now.

The third color applied...

That was my second choice for the third color. The first one I tried was far too close to the base tan. I rather like the look of it myself.

This is the first time I have done a gloss coat prior to decals and weathering. I can see the difference. The decals are laying down fairly well. I was worried they might be fragile from having sat for several years, but not at all. I still have about half of them to go, but here she is so far...

And here is the underside ready for another coat...

And with the final coat and landing gears added. You will note in the above pic she is NOT tail sitting. I sawed out that ladder panel, dropped a couple few ounces of split shot sinkers in the nose follwed by copious amounts of Elmers. Worked great.

So, some more decals, weathering, a couple landing gear doors and antennae and the weapons are all that is left. Thank God! LOL
I have made some good progress. All the landing gear door pieces on, rear tires attached. Decals finished and dull coat sprayed. Did a pastel wash. The brown I used was too reddish, but I like the result none the less. Weapons pylons on and Mavericks attached. For all that, I took only a few pics...

The Mavs before all the decals were applied...

You can see the other weapons in the process of being painted assembled etc. laying around the plane...

Not too much more to go!
ITS DONE! WOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!! Well, done enough. There are a few touch ups I need to do, but she is done.

As I said, this was the first model I have done in a VERY long time. For all the frustrations with it, I have learned a good bit and I know what I would have done different. She wont place in any shows, but I give it a C+. Now on to the 141.

Looks pretty sharp for your first kit in awhile. Don't be too hard on yourself

thank you sir. :) While I am not a perfectionist, I DO expect a lot out of myself. But I do realize I was rusty as hell. The next few kits should be much easier.

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