Revell 1:72 T55A, my first tank

Plastic Pilot

May 25, 2024
Hello kind sires,

Just got it from the post office today, my first tank, a T55A made by Revell. A good friend of mine told me that it is not a great kit to start for a beginner because of the complexity, it has 139 parts, so I guess it will be a challenge to built. I bought this model in particular because it was on sale and the price was very good and the fact that the paint job won't be so challenging because is all green.

I don't own a airbrush and for this reason I avoid complicated paint pasterns that may require one, all do a lot of modelers told me that the quality of the painting finish is superior with the airbrush. This month I will buy a chinese kit, that I spotted on Amazon, it includes an air compressor with a tank that has a manometer plus tow air filters, and three types of airbrushes, one of them is double action, beside that the kit has the hose and cleaning ant maintenance tools. The painting cabin has to wait, because it cost almost 200€, guess an old cardboard box a pair of protection glasses and a mask for painters will be enough.

An I most admit that I was a bad surprise when I sow that the tank, even if it is 1:72 scale, it's very small, because I'm used to work with planes kit of 1:72, that are fairly much bigger than the tank, I guess I will buy a larger scale tank kit next time.

Thank you for the feedback, please wish me good luck, and have a nice day all of you.

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Don't worry, a lot of armour modellers would also consider this a very small model, as in 1:35 it's twice as big in all directions :)

Spray booths can be had for much less than €200, though — I have one of these, and though I don't remember what I paid for it, it was probably somewhere around the €84 that this one costs. You can also make your own fairly easily, if you want to, if you have an extraction fan (like from an old kitchen hood), a cardboard box, and the hose from a clothes dryer.
Don't worry, a lot of armour modellers would also consider this a very small model, as in 1:35 it's twice as big in all directions :)

Spray booths can be had for much less than €200, though — I have one of these, and though I don't remember what I paid for it, it was probably somewhere around the €84 that this one costs. You can also make your own fairly easily, if you want to, if you have an extraction fan (like from an old kitchen hood), a cardboard box, and the hose from a clothes dryer.
Now I see why it was so cheap, an armored vehicle at 1:35, sells between 40-50€ and they are very old kits, made by some less known brands.

Yes, there are a few more options out there for booths and I can make myself one easily. Do you think that some old PC case fans could work? Because the kitchen hood has bigger fans, that make a lot of noise and also consume more light. Thanx for the advice.
It looks like a nice kit.
Enjoy your first tank and remember that with tanks if something goes wrong mud and dirt often if not almost always offer an easy way out ;)
It's normal I guess, but this kit will be the first out in trying out the Revell contact glue. I's kind of cheap compared with the rest, I know it is not cement glue, see how it will handle the job.
I guess PC fans might work, but you will also need a filter of some kind to go in front of them, else the paint will get to the fans themselves.
Now I see why it was so cheap, an armored vehicle at 1:35, sells between 40-50€ and they are very old kits, made by some less known brands.

Yes, there are a few more options out there for booths and I can make myself one easily. Do you think that some old PC case fans could work? Because the kitchen hood has bigger fans, that make a lot of noise and also consume more light. Thanx for the advice.

It's normal I guess, but this kit will be the first out in trying out the Revell contact glue. I's kind of cheap compared with the rest, I know it is not cement glue, see how it will handle the job.
Try these, if you are not too far into building one already.

my first tank
Fun times!
I only have a couple of tanks built, as I my interest started with softskin vehicles. One was a tankette, in 1:35, that might actually be smaller than your 1:72!
Just keep imagining how heavy the real one must be, and enjoy the build.

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