Solander thanks for that comment, all good experience for me. I must admit, I don't find working to a schedule suits me at this point in time. Maybe it's my inexperience, or maybe it's just the kind of modeler that I am. I simply couldn't keep this build simple as I had planned.
Not to worry though, because things are starting to progress at last!
Quaralane, I think you'll like these pics a little more than the last ones.
I've found some gorgeous graphics for the hull markings online. They were created by an artist called Thomas Marrone for a game modification for Homeworld 2 many years ago.
Thomas now works as an artist for Cryptic Studios developing the Star Trek Online video game.
He very kindly gave me permission to use his textures for my project. Awesome! And a nice bloke to chat with he is too.
I'm really pleased with how they came out. Here's a dry fit of the command section.
I'm also really happy about the colour and pseudo panel/pre shade effect.
Now, I need to fix some seams on the rest of the ship and then I'll get back to the painting.
Oh yes, and the 'luxury' chocolates have all been gobbled up! Yummy. ;D