Glorfindel, JohnSimmons, kiwi gav, & YOULI - Thanks so much! I appreciate the feedback from you all. A large part of the enjoyment I get from this hobby is sharing with like-minds. I consider your feedback high praise.

What a fantastic paint tutorial on pre-shading, beautifully executed my friend.
Can you tell us what ratio's of paints you used in the base coat, top coat & high lights?
Great stuff, can't wait for the weathering tutorial
Thank you Gag! I'm glad you see value in what I shared! Rather than my final post being the finished piece, I'll post some additional pics through the weathering process. I've never tried oils before so I hope I don't screw things up.
Concerning paint ratios:
All Tamiya acrylics thinned with generic isopropyl alcohol. I used an Iwata Eclipse and it sprayed Tamiya paints better when they were thinner.
1. Preshade - XF-69 @ 30/70 paint/thinner
2. Base Coat - 50/50 XF-80/XF-66 @ 40/60 paint/thinner
3. Highlights - Base coat lightened ~10% w/ XF-12 @ 20/80 paint/thinner
4. Shadows - X-19 @ 10/90 (maybe even 05/95) paint/thinner
Like I mentioned, the 10% highlight mixture was subtle and looked great when I sprayed it. But, when the Future clear coat went on, nearly all these highlights disappeared. Next time, I'll get bolder and mix a lighter concoction - maybe going up to 15-20% in some areas.
Hope this answers your question and I'm happy to elaborate if need be.