Revell P61, waiting for the hammer to fall

Thank you! About what release was yours? You recall?

No I don't recall but that was built 31/2 years ago and it was in my stash for almost a year before I started it. I don't even have the model or the box anymore. The model was for a friend and the box got trashed. However the box art was the same as Pantherman's but the decals were the same as the ones on the right in the photo below
Well, looks like we ON!

Yes sir, looks like a little difference in the stickers.

Here they are together (mine's a little wonky from the edit), just to compare:
View attachment 117867

Looks like you got way more red stripes, or are they suppose to make what they laid out already on these I got? Other than the different lines, I don't detect a difference.

Absolutely we wanna see! Matter of fact, we want you to get another'n and join in.

So which ever release that was.:)
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How about we set a start date for 8th June?

As usual some of us may open the kit early but that's OK. Pantherman

I love it when a plan comes together. Now, you probably said that part about opening the kit to try and depress me cause you know I already did, but I don't even consider that cheating.

The newest release. The one Pantherman posted.

The one Pantherman posted isn't the latest release, the one I posted is, but it's certainly a newer enough to supposedly be unbuildable, so it definitely counts. This group build was for that purpose. It's what flung the cravin' on us.


I may have accidentally put a few bits together............and accidentally dropped some paint on them. Pantherman

You may have "accidentally" not been able to know what day it is either? Ok, one of my best friends is an England fella and I know there's a time difference when we skype and such, but he never once mentioned that there was several days difference?

I take back what I said about thinking it was cheating when I looked in the box now. You took cheating to a whole 'nuther level.

Alright, you doin' a damn fine job, granted, but as my buddy would say...

That is some ol' bollocks right there.

Pip, pip, cheerio mate.

In all this rushin' ahead and completely breakin' all the rules YOU made, are you seeing any problems yet? Anything bad happening?

Pantherman can't help himself. Once he sees sprues he is compelled to snip, paint, and glue. Not necessarily in that order. LOL

PM- Looking great so far. Nice work on the interior.
You may have "accidentally" not been able to know what day it is either? Ok, one of my best friends is an England fella and I know there's a time difference when we skype and such, but he never once mentioned that there was several days difference?

I take back what I said about thinking it was cheating when I looked in the box now. You took cheating to a whole 'nuther level.

Alright, you doin' a damn fine job, granted, but as my buddy would say...

That is some ol' bollocks right there.

Pip, pip, cheerio mate.

In all this rushin' ahead and completely breakin' all the rules YOU made, are you seeing any problems yet? Anything bad happening?

Hands up, I'm bad...... But think of all the advantages for those that follow when I mess it up.

I'm thinking the instructions isn't 100% correct in assembly. You definitely need to fit the guns before gluing the interior, I thought I would glue one side to make sure all the bulkheads were in line. This caused much swearing when fitted the guns.

Also you need to fit the front landing gear plate before you glue the 2 sides together because it just don't fit afterwards.

Overall though, not too bad for fitting and flash. A few mould marks, especially on the seams of the main body and booms.

That's all you're getting for now..... Pantherman.
Hands up, I'm bad...... But think of all the advantages for those that follow when I mess it up.

I'm thinking the instructions isn't 100% correct in assembly. You definitely need to fit the guns before gluing the interior, I thought I would glue one side to make sure all the bulkheads were in line. This caused much swearing when fitted the guns.

Also you need to fit the front landing gear plate before you glue the 2 sides together because it just don't fit afterwards.

Overall though, not too bad for fitting and flash. A few mould marks, especially on the seams of the main body and booms.

That's all you're getting for now..... Pantherman.

I did watch a fella on youtube say that the landing gear step was wrong, so that's verified.

OK, mine is ordered.

Whatcha mean "that's all we get"? The one other "verified" builder who said they were in and waiting on their kit was smokeriderdon.

We'll start when his arrives.


Like we was suppose too.

We don't break rules, smokeriderdon and me. We're both shaking our heads right now due to the deceit taking place here, ain't we smokeriderdon. We just can't believe this.

I built that exact model about 3 years ago. I had some fitment issues with the fuselage halves coming together properly and some gap filling on the fuselage and wings, nothing major but a bit frustrating and time consuming with the sanding and blending of the putty to the model.
Revell kits are great for learning the effects and abstract use of putty.
I did watch a fella on youtube say that the landing gear step was wrong, so that's verified.

Whatcha mean "that's all we get"? The one other "verified" builder who said they were in and waiting on their kit was smokeriderdon.

We'll start when his arrives.


Like we was suppose too.

We don't break rules, smokeriderdon and me. We're both shaking our heads right now due to the deceit taking place here, ain't we smokeriderdon. We just can't believe this.

Ok, I consider myself rightly rebuked and deservedly so. I trust my fellow builders will accept my sincere apologies.

I kinda have a poor excuse. I suffer from a mild OCD and just knowing that the kit was in reach and supposedly a terrible model to build was absolutely driving me nuts. I just have to prove that I can make a decent job of it.

That being said, I do feel like I've jumped the queue so I will behave myself and do some more work on my torpedo boat to keep my brain on the straight and narrow. Pantherman
Ok, I consider myself rightly rebuked and deservedly so. I trust my fellow builders will accept my sincere apologies.

I kinda have a poor excuse. I suffer from a mild OCD and just knowing that the kit was in reach and supposedly a terrible model to build was absolutely driving me nuts. I just have to prove that I can make a decent job of it.

That being said, I do feel like I've jumped the queue so I will behave myself and do some more work on my torpedo boat to keep my brain on the straight and narrow. Pantherman

Oh no buddy. Apology instead of permission ain't gettin' it. OCD, ok, if OCD stands for "Obviously Can't Defer", then yep, you eat up with that.

You are proving that a good job can be done on an unbuildable model that's a fact, but you're also proving that starting on the 8th wouldn't have mattered.

It simply destroys all faith in humanity, that's all.

Keep up the good work and the updates a comin'. ;)

I did watch a fella on youtube say that the landing gear step was wrong, so that's verified.

Whatcha mean "that's all we get"? The one other "verified" builder who said they were in and waiting on their kit was smokeriderdon.

We'll start when his arrives.


Like we was suppose too.

We don't break rules, smokeriderdon and me. We're both shaking our heads right now due to the deceit taking place here, ain't we smokeriderdon. We just can't believe this.

LMAO Hey, dont wait on me. Mine is supposed to be here Tuesday according to USPS. And I do still have an F-4 in the way.

Oooo, and a nice new paint booth to set up.


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