Revell Republic Star Destroyer

Got a few weeks where all I have to worry about is work and not work and school so I am getting back to this. The tower part is pretty much done. I want to fix up the areas around the windows:



More to do on these two bits:


And now finally I can start working on the engines:

Random ship bits:


Messing with some left over photo etch and some styrene rod and tube, also test fitting the resin nozzles:


More random ship bits:


Had some left over tank wheels from some kits I'm using on a Hasbro Falcon so I popped those in to see how they look:


Only had two of each so a pair went in the shorter engines and the other pair went in the larger ones:


More random ship bits:


I've been dreading this part because I want them to look functional but now that I am into it, not so bad. Merry Christmas everyone.
I like your extra detailing on the engines. I think you achieved your goal for it to look functional.
Jason Abbadon said:
It's looking great- whete did you get those replacement engine nozzles from? Are those off an Acclimator?

I got the engines from nicholassagan through this website. I don't know if he makes casts or not. There are also some nice inserts you can buy on the Shapeways website:
Hagoth said:
I like your extra detailing on the engines. I think you achieved your goal for it to look functional.

Thank you! Still got a little more to add in to them. I'm trying to mimic everything on both sets of engines so it takes longer.
amateurmodeler said:
Hagoth said:
I like your extra detailing on the engines. I think you achieved your goal for it to look functional.

Thank you! Still got a little more to add in to them. I'm trying to mimic everything on both sets of engines so it takes longer.
Nick usually casts spells- but I bet he'd whip up a set for me- thanks for the info!
I've got podracer engine nozzles on my Venator's engines just now- just as a test fit.
Looks okay- far superior to the kit part, but no where near as cool as your build's engines!

I saw another modeler chop up wire hangers for the Venator's engine strut parts- looked really "right" and must be dirt cheap!
More work on the engine area. First cut out holes for LEDs and removed the nozzles on the smaller engines:


Plugged them in to check alignments:


And tested lighting!



The first photo has the resin insert along with the insert I put in the engines. The second one does not. More to do. Thanks for looking
Those engines are coming along very nicely. I really like the added details. That lighting is looking very cool.
Hagoth said:
Those engines are coming along very nicely. I really like the added details. That lighting is looking very cool.

Thank you. I found some flickering LEDs on ebay that are a orangeish fire color. I am going to install those so it isn't really accurate to the movie but hey I threw that out the window when I modified the surface!
Really liking the paint pattern on the hull and those engines look great just with the base coat. Can't wait to see all your added engine details pop out with a wash and weathering.
Looking really fantastic- the preshading mskes the hull look amazing!
I kinda agree on going all-grey with it if it's looking that great.

Looking forward to more!
Okay well since we last spoke my world has been turned upside down. First the great news, baby on the way!!! Wife is about nine weeks along, looking like an October birth. As for other things going on, my grandfather has found out he has stage four cancer. He is getting chemo and that basically has put him out of commission. I don’t know if he will see another Christmas, I just hope he pulls though and can hold his first great grandchild.
My father in law is also stricken with cancer and his medicine has quit working. Not really sure what his prognosis is at the moment. Also school and work. I feel like most days I wake up already behind for the day. Leaves little time to do models.
But things are starting to settle down and I have put some more work in on the star destroyer. I bought myself about 500 feet of fibers so I should be good to go! My only trouble area right now is the bridge part. I cut the old part off without a sure plan in place of how to modify it. Nonetheless here is a video I posted on my YouTube channel a bit back with some updates.


Sorry for unloading a bit.
No worries about the unloading.
Good to hear about the baby.
Hopefully things for your grandfather and father-in-law will improve.

Model is looking really good