Re: [WAIP] Spitfire Down! Spitfire Down!
Hey Scott, check out The Terrain Guy on youtube (I believe he is a member here as well, placed second in Everything Else for the contest) he has a unique way of doing hedge rows. Mind you his are geared towards the Flames of War Gaming tables, but could be adapted for use in any scale.
Larger scales you may have to get a little more "bushy" and not so uniform with the clump foliage, but in the scale he is using there is no need.
Hedgerows were more prevalent in mainland Europe, but I am sure the UK had them as well....maybe not as grown up like those on the mainland.
While the Spitfire bashing through a hedgerow would look cool, the damage to the plane would be much more than just a bent prop.....a hit like that into what is essentially a rock wall, is going to do some massive damage to the plane, could possibly rip wings off, or possibly even hitting the wall and launching the Spit back into the air, just to fall to the ground again and cause even more damage.
The likely hood of the pilot walking away from that would be probably be slim to none.
Now....that not could model the hedgerow where the spit came through the vegetation of the hedgerow, and narrowly missing the rocks underneath.