[REVISITED] Spitfire Down!

Re: [WAIP] Spitfire Down! Spitfire Down!

That's awesome! Thank you.

So the hedgerows themselves are simply tree lines/bushes? They separate farmer's fields correct?
Re: [WAIP] Spitfire Down! Spitfire Down!

If I remember right hedge rows were old old two track wagon and roman roads that worn into the soil, in addition the rocks and stones that were found cultivated were carried to the edge of the fields along these roads to be put out of the way. Then nature allowed trees and bushes to grow up between the rocks on either side of the road creating a obstacle that would stop a tank trying to cross it through combination of road (ditch) rocks and heavy vegetation. I certainly would not want to smack into one in something as fragile as a airplane.
Re: [WAIP] Spitfire Down! Spitfire Down!

Hey Scott, check out The Terrain Guy on youtube (I believe he is a member here as well, placed second in Everything Else for the contest) he has a unique way of doing hedge rows. Mind you his are geared towards the Flames of War Gaming tables, but could be adapted for use in any scale.

Larger scales you may have to get a little more "bushy" and not so uniform with the clump foliage, but in the scale he is using there is no need.

Hedgerows were more prevalent in mainland Europe, but I am sure the UK had them as well....maybe not as grown up like those on the mainland.

While the Spitfire bashing through a hedgerow would look cool, the damage to the plane would be much more than just a bent prop.....a hit like that into what is essentially a rock wall, is going to do some massive damage to the plane, could possibly rip wings off, or possibly even hitting the wall and launching the Spit back into the air, just to fall to the ground again and cause even more damage.

The likely hood of the pilot walking away from that would be probably be slim to none.

Now....that not withstanding.....you could model the hedgerow where the spit came through the vegetation of the hedgerow, and narrowly missing the rocks underneath.
Re: [WAIP] Spitfire Down! Spitfire Down!

Exactly! But then there's the angle of flight to contend with. To get that on a smaller diorama he would have to come in really steep, not soft on the belly. There might be a happy medium...it would look cool, some tree tops broken off.

Sounds like a good excuse to 'fly' the model around a bit.
Re: [WAIP] Spitfire Down! Spitfire Down!

Umm not to sure if this will help? farming during 1938.

Re: [WAIP] Spitfire Down! Spitfire Down!

I noticed in my searching at how often the engine panels came off on crashed spitfires, if you are down with modeling a engine, it would make your build a lot harder and probably more expensive though. some broken tree limbs may be cool though but the only way I see it it could be tree tops across the field belly into the field and skip (leaving little bits of plane behind) across the field come to rest near (but not in) the hedgerow. I would be a opportunity to do some forced perspective modeling though.
Re: [WAIP] Spitfire Down! Spitfire Down!

It could become really cool. I have the Tamiya 1:48 Spitfire MKI coming in. Not sure if there is an aftermarket engine available....

It would be fun to do a forced perspective - hard to do it in a box with sky in the background. Either way, this is going to be fun.

Now to find an engine....
Re: [WAIP] Spitfire Down! Spitfire Down!

Now this is what a welsh fields/hedgerows look like.

Re: [WAIP] Spitfire Down! Spitfire Down!

Brilliant! Simply brilliant. What awesome reference. Thank you so much for linking all these. I am inspired now!
Re: [WAIP] Spitfire Down! Spitfire Down!

Scott Girvan said:
Brilliant! Simply brilliant. What awesome reference. Thank you so much for linking all these. I am inspired now!

YAY! I love it when we get someone back on the straight and narrow! WOOT! lol
Re: [WAIP] Spitfire Down! Spitfire Down!

Totally. Thanks all. The scope of this project just got bigger. LOL. Go figure.
Re: [WAIP] Spitfire Down! Spitfire Down!

I am planning a box diorama, but not for this build...another one. That will be next most likely.
Re: [WAIP] Spitfire Down! Spitfire Down!

So here's the new plan.

Spitfire crashes through smallish hedgerow and into field. In adjacent field a farmer and son are gathering hay. Horse and wagon. Tilly to the rescue. Farmer goes to help, son watches from distance.

Should be a real challenge and a ton of fun. Found some great O scale horses.
Re: [WAIP] Spitfire Down! Spitfire Down!

Scott Girvan said:
So here's the new plan.

Spitfire crashes through smallish hedgerow and into field. In adjacent field a farmer and son are gathering hay. Horse and wagon. Tilly to the rescue. Farmer goes to help, son watches from distance.

Should be a real challenge and a ton of fun. Found some great O scale horses.

Scott, you sure there were horses back then? I don't remember there being horses. I think the Brits just piggybacked on each other back then. Ya know, right after they adopted the use of fire. ;)
Re: [WAIP] Spitfire Down! Spitfire Down!

No ,get it right we would charge into battle on sheep but they kept catching on fire.
Re: [WAIP] Spitfire Down! Spitfire Down!

Same here...except on beavers and moose.

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