[REVISITED] Spitfire Down!

Re: [WIP] Spitfire Down! Spitfire Down!

Scott Girvan said:
Friends, I need some help.

I'm trying to weather the crashed Spitfire and I'm getting stressed about the order of operations. As far as I see it I need to/want to:

Apply oil filters to fade paint randomly
Apply overall wash as per normal wear and tear
Chipped paint effects as per normal wear
Exhaust stains
General streaking and grime

Chipped paint
Ground debris
Dirt, mud and 'I just smashed into the planet' stuff

Obviously the crash damage is last. My main concern is the 'normal' weathering. Should I chip paint, then wash and weather or wash first, chip second etc....

Thanks for your help.

I normal chip my paint before doing the rest but my stuff is usually still flying. In this case, probably the same... paint will chip and all that but I think if that suck is going to be sliding into home base, dust and dirt would probably cover ir or hit the chiped area and slide off or stay one... etc. I never crashed a plane before (well, intentionally anyways) and if I did, seeing how the plane would get weathers on crashing would be the last thing on my mind. lol

But yeh, I'm assuming chip it first so it won't be all bright.
Re: [WIP] Spitfire Down! Spitfire Down!

Dude, you know I'm mainly an armor guy so It's pretty different for me when I'm beating up an armored car than it is when I'm building a plane but I never get too concerned with any specific order.

All of the things you mentioned, happen out of sequence in real life all the time. On Monday the tank chipped the front fender, then on Tuesday it was fighting in a muddy field, then on Wednesday it rained making some streaks in the mud, Thursday it chipped some more of that fender, Friday it had some oil and fuels spilled on it, then more mud, then it sat in the sun, then it got rained on...

You see where I'm going right?

Never be afraid to put a pin wash over a couple spots in your pigments even if you already did a wash earlier in the 'order'. Bury some of those chips under some filters and fading, put some on the top where they would be fresh, put on some mud, rub some off etc. These random applications create depth to the finish and get rid of that toy like characteristic that a model may have otherwise.

Again, this all really fits well in the realm of armor and I personally wouldn't beat up that aircraft too much (aside from the crash damage) but the basic idea is the same, all of the things you are trying to replicate with 'weathering' happen randomly over time.

Just my two cents...
Re: [WIP] Spitfire Down! Spitfire Down!

It's also a crash. You can't really go wrong here as you can just cover up the mistakes and attribute it to more crash damage. It's a crash, just start and stop when you feel happy with the amount of damage.
Re: [WIP] Spitfire Down! Spitfire Down!

Good points guys. I guess I was having a panic moment last night. That moment when you doubt if it will turn out how you picture it in your mind. Thanks for the advice.
Re: [WIP] Spitfire Down! Spitfire Down!

Cool Tilly, Scott. Looking good. :)

Here's a thought but ignore it please if it's totally beside the point or not quite what you have in mind:

Gun ports were always re-covered with canvas squares before each flight; individual ones for the Spitfire guns because they were spaced further apart inside the wings, a single cover for those in each wing of a Hurricane because they were set closer together. The canvas was there to stop the breeches freezing, but also helped in keeping crap out of the barrels on take off and during flight, it also indicated to anyone - while it was still on the ground - that the guns had been serviced and re-armed too.

How about having the canvas still over the gun ports on yours? Meaning the poor guy got clobbered before he could do anything. That was often the case for the newer pilots who got thrown into the fighting (apart from the Polish, of course).

Really look forward to seeing this together. More more more. ;D
Re: [WIP] Spitfire Down! Spitfire Down!

Great detail but wouldn't they blow off in the wind while in flight?
Re: [WIP] Spitfire Down! Spitfire Down!

They must of had some helluva glue to keep those things on. I also remember seeing old footage of the canvas over the gun barrels ports. I was going to say that they didnt fly that fast, but their max speed is roughly 330 knots. Thats pretty quick. so thats out the door. Look for some footage and you will see those things.
Re: [WIP] Spitfire Down! Spitfire Down!

They were glued on each time with red primer dope and the shreds pulled off on the return of the aircraft for servicing. There are pics around showing them after they've been torn by gunfire.
Re: [WIP] Spitfire Down! Spitfire Down!

Hi all!

Been lurking this site for a time and thought it was time to say hello and make an input of some kind...

In short: from Sweden, a scale model addict, run a scale model on-line store in Sweden as well as a book shop, too old to mention, 2 kids, 1 wife, 5 cats, 3 rats, 4 guinna pigs, 1 siberian hamster and too many models and miniatures to build for my life time but what the...

Now to buissiness: I've been following your videos and just had a look at the new one with the Tilly build and I got "angry". You make a remark about "the europeans drive on the opposite side as to americans" - you are wrong. The people driving on the wrong side are the Brits! ;) and only the Brits - weird as they are with mint and Marmite in their food ;D

Have been reading the thread and I really like what you're doing and maybe I can help out with a link and suggestion - if you're still looking for a cart in 0-scale!?

this French company make really great and odd stuff in mostly 1/35-scale but even some in other scales and among them 0-scale. So here's a cart:


Hope it can help u out.

And keep doing what u are doing on here because you all lighten my day! :)

Re: [WIP] Spitfire Down! Spitfire Down!

ministuff said:
Now to buissiness: I've been following your videos and just had a look at the new one with the Tilly build and I got "angry". You make a remark about "the europeans drive on the opposite side as to americans" - you are wrong. The people driving on the wrong side are the Brits! ;) and only the Brits - weird as they are with mint and Marmite in their food ;D

Welcomes Markus and that's true! I believe the Australians drive on the other side of the road as well and they do in Hong Kong. Not sure about other Asian countries though
Re: [WIP] Spitfire Down! Spitfire Down!

Sorry my bad. I should've done my homework more better.

Welcome to the forum. Thanks for taking the time to register and post. Thanks for the link too.
Re: [WIP] Spitfire Down! Spitfire Down!

Driving on the left is the right way lol
Although I love American cars....swings and roundabouts...
Re: [WIP] Spitfire Down! Spitfire Down!

Well, I personally love Marmite so "raspberry" to anyone who says it's bad stuff! ;D

Mint, as in the traditional mint sauce with lamb, was an attempt to put the peasantry off the idea of eating the cute little beasties as they were worth lots of money to the local Lord for their wool, rather than as a food item (England was a major wool producer and the wool was considered amongst the best in Europe). A law was passed declaring it to be illegal to eat lamb without the mint sauce; something, it was thought by the lords and ladies, the local oiks would hate. Backfired badly obviously!

And we don't drive on the wrong side at all...you lot do! ;)

So there.

Welcome in, ministuff, by the way! ;D ;D
Re: [WIP] Spitfire Down! Spitfire Down!

Noddy4000 said:
Well, I personally love Marmite so "raspberry" to anyone who says it's bad stuff! ;D


Me on the other hand love Marmite on my tanks! ;D When doing simple-quick-great-mulit-chipping! :D

Re: [WIP] Spitfire Down! Spitfire Down!

Another fine example of the many wonders of Marmite! Food of the Gods and excellent modelling tool, what more could you want?

...So long as you don't have WIPs of yourself tonguing the model to get the Marmite off, you're safe. ;D ;D
Re: [WIP] Spitfire Down! Spitfire Down!

Hey looking forward to the next video. Hows the build coming?
Re: [WIP] Spitfire Down! Spitfire Down!

I have been extremely busy at work and haven't touched the build in several weeks. I hope to get another video up soon but I can't promise when.
Re: [WIP] Spitfire Down! Spitfire Down!

It's too bad Scott that you are so busy at work..... You were doing so good on that build!
But you will come back!

As for those guns 'canvas covers' if your plane is downed! I would have those covers ripped as I am pretty positive that while the planes are marshaling in the air they are asked to do a gun test! Like we do in the army! Before a patrol! Gun function test! You can trust the techs all you want but you would not get into a battle group with U/S guns.... Or your bird suffered a mechanical failure before he had time to perform his test? Then you could leave those ports covered up! And also make sure your plane call sign did Crash! Nothing worst to crash a plane that actually never got downed! Maybe more research is needed?

Looking forward to your next update

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