RoG X-34 Landspeeder, floating

Well folks, this is it. I call that one finished. This is a short video from the exhibition today.

Just klick on the picture.


Hope you`ll like it.

I will build another one as a superdetailed version of Lukes landspeeder.. but that is another story...
That is really cool! I like it! ;D

Does it always spin or did you tap it to make it spin? If it is stationary then I could see using it for aircraft also.
Once again, excellent job on this one! Bravo!
You've really made me look for some of those levitation globuses or same stuff to put their magnets to the good use to :)

On the rotation. I can be wrong, but as I understand the physics of this process, the model rotates when it's extricitet does not align with it's mass-center. That creates forces, that are always trying to make such alignment, thus causing the model to precess around the axis going through the mass-center and besides don't let it fall on one of the edges. So, rotation can be avoided if needed, if you put the model over the magnet super carefully, with it's mass-center located right over the magnet's center and with the constant magnet inside the model located absolutely horizontally. Again, guys, I mght be wrong, don't take this to serious, I haven't worked with such stuff myself yet!

P.S: This looks like a nice show overall. If You know the source of some pics, showing other presented models, or maybe made them yourself, could You please share them, Benjamin? That would be of an interest to look at to :)
Well, as far as I know.. the rotation and the levitation is provided through the Base. In the Base there are electro-magnets and circuits... those are responsible for the levitation and the rotating thingi also.

In the speeder, there is just a strong permanent magnet.

The levitations is held in its center through the circuits in the base. There must be a special kind of electronic in there because levitation with magnets is not an easy job to do. You can`t do it just with permanent magnets.

Its hard to explain in english....

I have seen a Fine Mols 1/144 Falcon and this bugger here:

This is where my idea came from.

Menawhile you can find those floating Globes with inducting lights also. I am planings this for a Death Star Display. Something like this:

Sorry its german, please translate yourself. Or try a search after"FU310" in ebay internat.
Excellent stuff! I was wondering how much does the weight
of the subject play into getting this to work? I was wondering
if I could do the same with my A-wing?
That is sooo cool.!!!
I didn't know anyone had manufactured a land speeder model kit.
Who did it, and where did you find it?
Revell of Germany, eh? Well you did a bang up job on her! She looks great, and the levitating effect is PERFECT !!!!

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