Category: Sci-fi
Name of Build: ATST
Kit manufacturer: Bandai
Scale: 1/48
This is a pretty straight forward kit build, with the exception of the moss and Titanium Series speeder bike added at the end. The interior is completely detailed, even though you can't wee it in the end. The Exterior is painted in Tamiya Royal Flat Light Grey and given several washes of various blacks and browns. I tried to match the weathering patterns on the studio models.
This build was started on 4/3/15 and finished 4/15/15
Final Images

Name of Build: ATST
Kit manufacturer: Bandai
Scale: 1/48
This is a pretty straight forward kit build, with the exception of the moss and Titanium Series speeder bike added at the end. The interior is completely detailed, even though you can't wee it in the end. The Exterior is painted in Tamiya Royal Flat Light Grey and given several washes of various blacks and browns. I tried to match the weathering patterns on the studio models.
This build was started on 4/3/15 and finished 4/15/15
Final Images