SDKFZ 141/1 Panzer 3 Ausf L

December 1941 is when they began converting the 3s to the 50mm, but from about October 1940 the 50mm were being installed to test the effectiveness of the gun from the meager source books I have at my disposal as well as all knowing google. However if someone else knows for sure let me know. I don't mind :).
Ok here is an update. My unexpected guests are finally gone (much to everyone's relief), so I will be resuming this model probably starting Saturday.
We all look forward to the Christmas season, and then are equally happy when it is over.

Looking forward to it... I've been concentrating on softskins with a few tracked vehicles thrown in, but looks like tanks are busting their way into my stash! Seems like a whole other universe!
Small detail: the insides of the turret hatches should be the same as the outside of the tank :)
the insides of the turret hatches should be the same as the outside of the tank
Ya, I've been wondering about this as well... I have some German armour in the stash and will face the same decision point.

There is some discussion related to how early in the war we are talking about, that they may have shipped that way early on, just to be painted over in the field by crews who wanted to avoid a big bullseye on the side of their tank...
One commentator even made the sarcastic observation that every rule was followed, until it wasn't. ;)

The interwebs mostly seem to agree with @Jakko , but also point out the inevitable exceptions with photographic evidence.

I did find this interesting site, though I am not knowledgeable enough to attest to their reliability:
with two example photos of Pz-III: one with, one without turret hatch painted same as exterior.

turret door Panzerlll.jpg turret door Panzerlll 2.jpg

Go figure!
Interesting, that last one does seem to have a white hatch interior. I suspect it would have been unlikely, though.
Small detail: the insides of the turret hatches should be the same as the outside of the tank :)
Yep realized that after I took the pictures and posted them. It's a small error to fix.
Interesting, that last one does seem to have a white hatch interior. I suspect it would have been unlikely, though.
The rest of the interior according to the directions is an off white almost an ivory

Saw this, thought it would be of interest in this thread.

Looks like some white hatches around the 2:36 mark.
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Yep, it is. I suppose they switched from white to exterior colour once they found crews would leave the hatches open when not in use?

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