Show us your mancave(s)!

Your workspace looks about as cluttered as mine does right now.
Not that I see that as a bad thing
I thought I recognized those Old Dominion Open model show awards. Nice work space George!

Frank Blanton
Just think I cleaned it up for these PICS..................... ;)
Frank, miss seeing you at the meetings.

lol yes it is. i clean up when im done takes about 2 mins :)
lol. i supose once i get more paint tools and stuff it will get messy
Spud Clean

I like it. Well organized and neat. My bench gets messy but I try to go through and put tools back and clean.

Nice room Spud!

Frank Blanton
Yeah Ace, it's an original issue that I picked it up in April at a Diecast show for $20.00. It will remain right where it is on the shelf!! Also Ace, if you take a look on the shelf below in the right corner there is an original issue (1956) H.M.S Bounty. $8.00 at a flea market in March of this year. WHAT'S WRONG WITH PEOPLE?? Hehehhehehe.
Here is my model cave. It's not much yet since we've only lived here for a little over a year and the wife had other rooms that had to be finished first. So I have a lot of plans for what I want to do with it. So hopefully I can find some time soon to get to work on it.

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fumblethumbs said:
WHOA...Nice guitars Brownie!!
Thank you Fumblethumbs. Thats my other hobby, although I dont really play too much anymore. This room is my model/guitar cave. Ive got seven guitars and my Marshall halfstack in here with all my modeling stuff.