Slave 1 amt/ertl kit

I really like your modifications to this- i did one of these about 10 years ago straight out of the box- except for using coat hanger wire as an axle for the fins and putting a small metal pin over Solo to help hang the door. I covered Han in Bare metal foil and gave him a wash of black thinned to almost an ink. worked well.

Can't wait to see this one done!
merseajohn said:
This is one of the few mpc star wars kits that I'm not familiar with, but i'v heard it can be tricky to say the least. It looks like your doing a great job, and I'm looking forward to your progress!

Its not that bad- the three issues mine had was the way the side fins mounted, i fixed that with wire- the rear panel is a little tricky to get even into the main body and the entrance ramp wanted to lock up and not close right. Very simple fixes, but these kits can vary as to issues I imagine. Pick one up, its a really cool kit and it comes with a decent stand.
Thanks for all the comments. I basically done just have some little touch ups to done. I will post pics here later this week. Drum roll.....

Hi Kryptodaddy, I agree the kit is not a bad kit. The main body and the skirt have some fit issues and the cockpit is not molded to fit properly in the main body. The entrance ramp on my kit was small and I had to brace it and put Aves to fill in the gap. Aves saves the day and makes the kit come together nicely. The kits are not expensive and with a little work can be a fun build. I plan getting another kit and maybe do some LED lighting inside cockpit and the engine thrusters.
Really nice job so far mate.....Slave 1 is one of those ships that deserve the little extras detail wise.

Keep up the great work. ;D
Slave 1 is done. Here are the final pics. They are a little dark due to the lighting and reflection off the cockpit canopy. The camer's flash washes out the different tones of gray giving it a clean look to the finders. I may redo at a later date.

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Top side looks pretty good.
Underside looks a little, well, undone.
I would suggest at least a light black wash to help bring out some of that underside detail.

In the end, though. It's just a suggestion
It may just be the photos, but I agree with Quaralane. Especially on those side fins.

My camera does a terrible job with the flash, I find that taking pictures under light of day looks much better.

Apart from that, she looks like a really nice build.
You did a smack down job on the paint chipping
effect I love it! I think at this point there is room
for more weathering to balance her out....but it's
your Firespray that's the fun thing about modeling!
I may have missed it what colors did you use for the
browin'sh red?

Thanks you all for the kind comments and suggestions. Weathering is something I will need to work on for sci-fi builds. I was not sure how to weather her. I think it might be something of the nature of aircraft weathering in some respects. Any suggests I am open to learning new techniques and skills.

@ Quaralane I will add a black wash to the underside and post the results. Thanks for the suggestion.

@ Igard I will have to work on the lighting when taking photos. For some reason this project gave me fits...

@ Jamaicanmodels69 I used a combination of Vallejo panzer ace 343 shadow flesh (looks dark red brown to me) and Vallejo 71037 model air sandy brown. I did not measure the ratios of each, just mixed until I was satisfied with the hue. I sprayed the sandy brown first and then sprayed shadow flesh with a few drops of sandy brown. I was supersized how it turned out once I remove the salt.
Added a black wash today on the Slave1 and used a black graphite pencil to shade in the raised panel lines. The panel lines to me look recessed now. Quaralane thanks again for the suggestion of the wash. It makes the details pop and makes the ship look real.

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Thanks guys for the comments. I am much happier since I added the wash. Before the wash it looked toy like.
Looks even nicer now mate. ;D

Look forwards to your next build.


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