So would anyone be interested in this...


A hover taxi pulls up to a series of run down apartments. Elea gets out, and pays the cabbie with cash. As the cabbir leaves Elea types a text on her armband, asking "Which building is it?" The reply is, "Second building, apartment 306." She heads to the second building.

She enters the building and goes to the third floor. She finds the right apartment and knocks on the door. The door cracks open and Elea finds a DEUS pistol pointed at her. A voice from the apartment demands she show proof of identity. Elea takes out the cd from episode 6 and holds it up. A hand reaches out and snatches it from her. After a moment the door flies open, and a haggard looking young man faces her. He tells her to come in. She does so, and he quickly locks the door behind her. At her startled look he replies that he needs to make sure that nobody can snoop.

Elea composes herself, and asks if the information she needs is going to be hard to get. The man sits at a desk with a futuristic desktop computer on it as he replies that he has been trying to hack DEUS's systems for a week now, and no luck. Elea says that they MUST get in their data systems. There is information they have regarding her mission she needs. He sighs, and tells her that she is obsessed with the idea of someone running the world from the shadows. She stares at him sternly and says, "Not someone, but someTHING. Now, I need that information. So let's get to work getting it." He looks at her for a second, and says "Ok then."

A short while later, and K calls Jin into the living room of the safehouse, saying he has information. Jin sits and asks what it is. K tells him he has found that the killer left a message at the last murder site. Jin asks if there are photos. K tells him that he was sent a photo by S from the police station. He calls up the photo. They study it for a second. K wonders why the killer would write that, and surmises it could be an alien.

Jin ponders if it means it could mean the killer is female. He then notices a smudge between the O and M, and realizes the message means "NOT MAN". K is confused, and asks if the killer is happy to reveal they are an alien. Jin again ponders if it means that, or maybe the killer IS human, but just not a man. Before K can respond, he gets a text on his armband. He reads it, then tells Jin that S and the police have discovered a connection between three of the murder victims.

They were members of a gang known for dealing drugs, specifically the new street drug Vertigo, which can cause permanent brain damage affecting a person's ability to perceive the world around them. Continued use causes fatal brain tumors. Jin is confused and asks why the hell the killer would be targeting primarily drug dealers. Could it be a killer hired by another gang? KK retorts with, "Or maybe an alien who hates drugs?" Jin rolls his eyes. K says that S also said the police had found the gang's hideout and that he and Jin are to join her there to keep an eye on them. Jin nods and gets up. K follows suit and they head out.

It is about an hour later, as evening sets in, K's car pulls up at a public parking lot across from an abandoned factory. Jin and K get out as S runs up to them. K asks where the police are for backup, and S says she thought it would be less noticable if it were just the three of them. Jin agrees with her. S tells them the entire known gang is in the factory, including their reclusive leader Sameo. K expresses surprise. Sameo has been in hiding for over a year because of a murder he committed. Jin says they better get in there. S agrees and leads the way.

The gang are assembled in an office in the factory. They are lined up. Twelve young men and two young women, dressed like futuristic punks. There is another, older man about 30ish dressed similarly in front of them. It is Sameo. He is furious, and strides back and forth. He complains that three of their number have been killed by this "Red Coat Killer". And that is too many. He wants the killer dead. A small, nervous young man stutters, "B-but Sameo, this thing can't be human!" In reply, Sameo shoots the man in the foot. The man drops, grabbing his foot and screaming as he bleeds on the floor. Sameo shouts at the man that he doesn't care who or what the killer is, IT WILL DIE.

We see Jin, K and S hiding in a old workshop area nearby, listening and watching via a small camera set up by S. They have earbuds in to hear what is being said. Jin replies that Sameo is pretty crazed. K replies that he must be scared. S says he is beyond terrified if the contacts the police have are right.

Sameo hauls up onto a desk a large gun case. "Not human? Bullshit!" He says as he opens the case. He starts hands numerous pistols and rifles out. He repeats that he doesn't care who or what this "Red Coat Killer" is, he wants them DEAD. The man he shot in the foot is carried off by a couple of the others.

As the group disperses, Jin, K and S watch them. K and S happen to wind up together. As they watch the men carrying off the injured gang member, S whispers to K an apology for her stunt that morning. K looks at her, and walks away. S curses under her breath.

Elea is still with the hacker, whose name is Jun, as he is attempting to hack into DEUS'S data system. He faces numerous roadblocks but shows himself to be as good a hacker as can be, and has finally gotten into the system. Elea tells him to look for a file called AQUA PROJECT. He asks her how he will gain access. Elea, ever cryptic, says it'll be obvious. Jun says that he hopes he won't get discovered by a diagnostic program. Elea then says, "Well, you better work fast then, huh?" Jun sighs and sets to work.

Later, we see a small house. Drones float about as it gets dark. The droNes play prerecorded messages warning about thunderstorms this night, and because the Red Coat Killer comes out at such times that the town has declared a curfew of 10 PM.

Inside, we see a nerdy young man and a beautiful young woman having a late dinner of steak, rice, and salad. They have wine with them. They clearly are very much in love. They are quietly chatting. The girl then asks the man if he remembers when they first met. He grins and says, "Asami, how could I forget? It only three and a half years ago."

In flashback, we see Asami, leaning against a the front wall of a movie theater during a thunderstorm. She is confused and scared, and is wearing a bright red trenchcoat. The man, apparently a janitor at the theater, notices her. He asks her if she is ok, since she looks scared. She slowly stares at him, and replies that she can't remember what happened to her. She can't remember her name. She very vaguely recalls that something happened, but...

Back in the present, Asami is nodding. She smiles and comments about how he helped her. He says she didn't want to go to the police. Again she nods, and she replies that with his help she was able to remember who she was. She grabs his hand, and says that he also gave her love. He smiles and says its been a year since they married, and he couldn't be happier. She says she is too.

The whole time a storm has been buildinhg, and it finally lets loose. There is a flash of lightning through the dining room window as it starts to rain. Asami stops speaking and looks at the window. Her face suddenly grows cold. The man starts, and says her name as she stands, almost robotically going to the coat rack by the front door. The man begs her to not go, that she has to stop this insanity. He tries to stop her but she shoves him away as she puts on the coat.

She stalks out the front door into the downpour, an angry and determined look on her face. As she walks onto the street the man runs out onto the porch, shouting, "Asami! Please don't do this! PLEASE!"

We are at a parking garage not far from the abandoned factory. Jin is tailing two of the gang members as he notices they are about to get in their car. He is about to contact K when the gang members notice Asami staring them down from the other end of the garage.

One of the men pulls his gun and demands to know who she is. She grins manically. The other gang member panics and says its the killer. The one with his gun out starts to shoot at Asami, but she displays superhuman agility, dodging the shots and leaping between the support columns like Spider-Man. She then leaps onto the one shooting at her, roaring. She knocks him down as she lands on him.

Jin gets his gun out. He then looks shocked. We cut back to the gang members and Asami. A huge razor clawed hand rips out the throat of the man Asami attacked. We now see that Asami has changed into a creature with a bony ridged, lizardish head with four small, beady eyes. The mouth is a vertical slit that opens to reveal daggerlike teeth. The creature is wearing the tatters of Asami's clothes, though the coat is intact. It also has the same long black hair. It looks at the second man and roars. Suddenly with superspeed Jin rushes in, and throws the creature away before it can react. He starts shooting his laser pistol at it, but it dodges the blasts and runs. Jin chases it, but it eludes him.

The second gang member is sitting near the one Asami killed, panicking. Jin runs back to him and demands to know why that creature is hunting them. The man is too panicked to answer..

About an hour later. Asami is sitting at the dinner table again, excitedly eating another meal, covered in blood. Her husband, clearly terrified, is cautiously telling her that she needs to take a shower. She glares at him. He drops the subject.

Jin and K are driving back to the safehouse. K says that S is staying for a while at the police station to try to get something out of the surviving dealer. Jin is pondering the photo again and says that he thinks it has a different meaning from just being an alien. He tells K that the creature appeared female before it shapeshifted to its real form. K is surprised. Jin's armband rings, and he answers the call. It is DEUS. The commander tells them the creature Jin described to them earlier has been identified as a species called the Hapnuth.

A picture appears on the armband's miniscreen. Jin says that is what he saw. The commander says that over forty of these aliens are known to be living on Earth. They are shapeshifters from Zeta Reticuli who had planned to set up terroristic sleeper cells on Earth and other planets to soften up the populations for a planned invasion. But an environmental disaster killed off the life on their homeworld, and due to the nature of the brainwashing the sleeper cells" memories are wiped until they are activated.

Since their masters are dead these Hapnuth have no clue of their true nature. However, it was discovered that under extreme stress their conditioning can kick in, returning them to their true selves and making them extremely violent in some cases. K asks if there is any way to identify who may be Hapnuth. The commander says only after the change. He then says that there is a person of interest. S reported not long before that police had identified the same human hair at all the crime scenes.

A picture appears of Asami's husband. He says that his name is Kayasuke Futata. He is a low level salaryman. Jin says that the creature appeared female. The commander says that a month ago he and his wife were attacked and his wife alledgedly killed by Sameo's gang, though her body disappeared from the local morgue. Jin says that Kayasuke's wife is the killer. K asks for the address.

Kayasuke is drying off Asami's hair. She is sitting in a chair in the living room. She simply looks ahead with an angry look. Kayasuke asks why she is mad at him. She glances up at him but won't answer. He tells her that she must stop the killing. He still loves her, despite her not being human. She slaps his hand away when he tries to touch her face.

Not long after K's car pulls up to Kayasuke's house. He and Jin get out. K says its the right place as he confers with a map on his armband. They hear Kayasuke shouting at Asami to not go out and kill again. They can see someone in shadow in one of the windows putting on a coat. Jin says its her. He contacts S and tells her that they found the killer. It is Kayasuke's wife Asami. She must have been shot and transformed instead of dying.

S is sitting at a computer terminal at the police station. She replies the only problem with that theory is that she is watching a security video from just after the incident. It shows the creature breaking into the Morgue at the local hospital and stealing a body.

Back at the house, K and Jin look at each other in disbelief. Suddenly the front door flies open as Asami, wearing her red coat, strides out and walks down the street. She seems to be heading towards the abandoned factory. Jin and K give chase.

A short time later K and Jin arrive at the factory, but there is no sign of Asami. Jin asks how they could have lost her. Suddenly gunshots blast the ground around them. The both spin around, guns raised, to face Sameo and his men. Sameo is furious, demanding to know who they are and if they are connected with the Red Coat Killer. Jin says they are trying to capture the killer. Sameo laughs and says he thinks they are hired killers. He orders his men to shoot.

Jin jumps in front of K and raises an energy shield which deflects the bullets fired. Sameo and his men stop, stunned. "What the hell are you?!" He demands. Before Jin can respond, one of the men screams as his chest is ripped open and he is thrown through the air.

Asami stands near Sameo's men, clawed hand covered in blood and hair hanging over her face. She giggles. Sameo and the men back up and start firing at her. She dodges the shots as she transforms fully into the creature again, her coat flapping about almost like wings. She sidekicks a man into a support beam twenty feet away, killing him instantly. She grabs another by his head and offscreen rips his head from his body. The group are horrified.

K looks at Jin, who already has the Ultra Eye out. He transforms into Ultraseven and leaps in front of a man Asami charges at. They trade blows until Seven detaches the Blade Slugger from his head, using it as a knife to slash at Asami, cutting her open in the side. She screams in pain and runs. Seven looks at K. "Call the police and an ambulance K!" He then runs after Asami.

Seven finds Asami in human form again, huddled against a wall. She is bleeding blue blood. She looks at Seven, terrified. He stares back at her. Suddenly, Kayasuke is standing next to her, begging Seven not to kill her. He explains that they love each other deeply. He tells him they had a loving marriage.

In flashback we see them captured by Sameo's men. Kayasuke is trying to defuse the situation, but Asami stands up to them. Suddenly one of them shoots her in the head. Kayasuke freaks and cradles her, sobbing. Her eyes open. Suddenly she stands, transforming into the Hapnuth. She rips one mans face apart, and the others run, shouting in terror. She starts after them. Kayasuke shouts at her to stop, and she looks at him, rage in her double pupiled eyes. It starts raining.

Kayasuke says to Seven that Sameo and his men are not people, but animals that prey on others. Who cares if they die. Seven responds that at least one person killed was an innocent, proving that this isn't just for revenge, but a simple bloodlust. He then says, "And there is the fact that Asami wasn't the victim of a gunshot. Her throat was ripped out. That is because she isn't the killer. She is dead Futata. The killer is YOU. And you murdered your wife."

Kayasuke stares at Seven in total horror, then screams and grabs his head. We see the first time Kaysuke and Asami met again, except this time the roles are reversed. We see them having been captured by Sameo's men again, except that instead of Asami being the creature it is Kayasuke. And when Asami begs him to not chase after the dealers, Kayasuke kills Asami.

Seven steps towards him, saying, "You couldn't deal with the guilt of what you did, and your fear of killing another innocent. In your subconscious you blamed Sameo's men and twisted events to make Asami into some avenging angel of revenge. The thing is, you have already gone over the edge. Your Hapnuth programming has slowly been taking you over, making you an ever more dangerous killing machine."

Kayasuke shouts at Seven that he is lying. He points at where Asami is still laying against the wall, and shouts that she is right there. Seven says, "Then why do you have a wound on your stomach? I just gave you that wound." Kayasuke looks down at a blue blokod covered gash. He looks at the wall. Asami is not there. Suddenly we see Kayasuke as he really is, wearing Asami's red coat, and wearing her tattered blouse and pants and a long black wig.

He screams at Seven that he is lying. Seven tells him he knows he is right. We see flashes of Kayasuke killing Asami, and sitting at home talking to the rotted remains of her body. Seven says that the guilt and anger tooks such control that he twisted things around to avoid facing it. And then he start acting like Asami to keep the lie going.

Kayasuke starts sobbing, saying he remembers. He begs Seven to forgive him, and he hopes Asami can forgive him. Suddenly shots ring out, hitting Kayasuke multiple times. It's Sameo, shooting at him with a futuristic machine gun, screaming in fury at him. Before Seven can react Kayasuke changes and leaps at Sameo, attempting to rip him apart.

Suddenly the Blade Slugger flies through the air, slashing Kayasuke's stomach. He drops just short of hitting Sameo. Seven catches the Slugger and reattaches it. Kayasuke slowly stands and roars. He attempts to charge at Seven but seven fires the Lamp Beam from his timer light, burning Kayasuke to cinders. Sameo stares in shock. Seven glares at him and tells him to leave. Sameo nods and runs.

Suddenly Seven holds his head. He starts having flashes of memory. Both flashes of himself fighting kaiju and villains, along with memories of Anne, as well as memories of Jin and Elea running from security soldiers. And falling into a body of water. And a glimpse of a roiling mass of red hot energy appearing just above Jin as he is drowning. Seven passes out.

Elea and the hacker meanwhile finally break into the DEUS databanks. He manages to start downloading information for her. Suddenly sirens are heard. The hacker looks out the window to see security vans pulling up to the building. He shouts at her that she set him up. She is scared, and tells him they are after her. He curses, and downloafs as much as he can. There is pounding on his door and demands to be let in. He stalls as long as he can as Elea pulls her gun out. He goes tothe computer, takes out the datastick and gives it to her. He tells he to go out the window. She climbs out as the door is kicked in. Elea climbs. Down to the ground. She is near the security vans but there is only one man there. She runs off as she hears multiple shots firing from the apartment.

A haggard Elea arrives at the safehouse. S and K help her to a seat. She tells them they have to leave. K says that Jin passed out as Ultraseven. He is still in that form and unconscious. Jin suddenly staggers into the room. Everyone is startled. He says that he is starting to remember more. Elea says they MUST LEAVE. As soon as possible. She waa followed to the location she needed to go to. They could be on there way here as they speak. They hurriedly grab their things.

A day or later. Jin and Elea are walking along a sidewalk not far from a hotel, presumably the hotel they are stayong at. Elea asks why Kayasuke was writing "Not Man" in blood. Jin says he realized after the fact that it wasn't a T, but an R. Norman. She looks at him confused. Jin says it was the name of the main character from an old horror film. The man had an overbearing mother, killed her, and then in his guilt and fear became a split personality, manifesting his mother as the other persona. Then killed people in that persona. Elea thinks Kayasuke may have been subconsciously lookibg for help or someone to put him out of his misery. Jin agrees. Elea then cautiously asks about his fainting spell. He tells her that he has a clear memory of the two of them running from soldiers. He pleads with her to tell him what the hell he is. She tears up, and tells him soon. She kisses him on the cheek and goes back to the hotel. Jin looks up at the sunset, and in his mind's eye it turns into water as a bright orange light approaches.

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