Thank You very much, guys!
The Nylon Gag said:
How come i've never seen your videos before Sol, that was great buddy
You should do one every week dude, i will definately be using your technique my friend ;D
Also excellent progress on this build, weathering is definately not my speciality so it will be realy helpful to be able to follow a master like you, that chipping is so realistic
just fantastic mate ;D
Great stuff dude ;D
Thanks, Gag, dude
I will try my best to make more video tutorials like this one, and maybe even achieve weekly updating. However, I'll need a bit more practice to combine filming the tutorials with no harm to actual model building in the snce of the time I'm able to devote to that.
ModelMakerMike said:
It's looking really good.
Like your video on the paint chipping.
Where is part 2? Maybe you haven't filmed that one yet, eh?
This whole project is looking really cool, and makes me anxious to see it all complete.
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Thank You, Mike!
Yep, right You are, the part 2 is yet in production
Filmed already by now, but still have to make the montage, so it will be released just a bit later (a couple of days maximum I hope). Stay tuned
Grendels said:
I so want to watch this video, but won't have time for a week!
I am sure it is a good one. Keep us posted!
Hang on buddy! I'm working as a personal tutor myself, holding only a one pupil right now - he is living close to my institute, so it is an easy time-spending with an ability to gain some extra cash (and the guy made from a 3-mark in maths to a desire of following my steps in experimental physics which is a pleasant feedback as well). But back from the times I have been on the first courses and have been starting tutoring, I remember what is that a rush among abiturients in the months before the acceptational exams in colleges.
And I'll try to make more vids, for You to have some pleasant watch during the well-deserved rest
merseajohn said:
Dude seriously this is stunning! Great vid by the way, have you ever tried using the AK Interactive chipping fluid? You use it basically the same way you do but it may be slightly quicker? (all though you seem to have it nailed and by the looks of things you have slightly more control over the chips with just a cocktail stick than if you were to use the fluid with a brush).
Thanks, buddy!
Haven't seen the AK Interactive chipping fluid You're talking about, but haven't actually asked about one yet. Now, will certainly ask for one in the hobby-shop, and when I get it I will give it a try by all means, to post a verdict, hardened by experience
Igard said:
Chipping looks awesome! The vid is very informative. Great job, Sol.
Igard, thank You, my friend! I'm glad You've enjoyed the tutorial.
I really do hope, that you, guys, would find this technique-video of a use.
In the next one, which I'm preparing right now, I'll show you how to make and deal with acrylic filters.
Stay tuned