Space 1999 Eagle


Resin Comando
May 10, 2009
Wow... I really shoulda had a better look at this kit before I entered it. 2 hours and I managed only to clean the white metal flash from two side frames. This is a monster to build.

Hey, a clip or three
I cant wait to see some progress pictures on this one. I didnt even know there was a resin kit available. Can we get some more infor on the kit, scale, manufacturer, where to buy, etc?
That is gonna be sweet! Really laying down the funk in that clip too. Great track! Keep it up though, this one looks like a winner.
What a blast from the past, lotsa' memories seeing the Eagle.


I'll be watching.
Crazy funky space out show ;D
The Eagle is classic cool for sure. Don't give up, you can do it!
Don't give up! I am looking at what I have planned and don't know if I can finish it all up with my other commitments. I entered the contest for fun, not to win a prize. (that would be nice, but I just want to see how much I can get done in a short time. ;D

The warp models eagle is a nice kit, looked at it many times and would love to have one. I just got a AMT kit off of Ebay, and it is a horrible kit, details are either missing or very wrong.

I would love to see photos of this kit when it is done, even if it is not in time for the contest deadline.
Wow, I vaguely remember this show and did not even know what it was called. What a blast from the past and a HUGE part of televised science fiction TV, even if it did have a healthy dose of "disco funk" in it.

Work on it when you get the chance and it will get done. Can't wait to see it.
Sorry for the delay in updating. Trying to finish something for CAMS and in the middle of all that had jaw surgery. I have been stoned for the last few days on pain killers. Weeeeeee

I am feeling a bit better so today i'll try and take a couple of Eagle pics and up date ya'll.

We want pics!, ;)

Hope your jaws better,why did you need surgery on it,anyway?.
broken tooth and jaw. Had to have the tooth removed and a rod inserted to hold my jaw together and prep for a new implanted tooth. Old injury.
Did finish my CAMS entry, but that took the whole day. didn't get any Eagle work done. After the weekend however I will focus totally on the Eagle.
Pics will come, I promise. Gotta figure out how to do that.
Gary, picture posting is fairly easy once you've done it a time or two.

Any questions just ask man, I'm sure there is a few of us here more than willing to help you out.

It is official...
I don't have the skill sets to work with this model. So far, I have spent about 10 hours on the white metal casting of the frames that hold the utility portions of the Eagle. And total net result... 2 1/2 plus I have ruined my microfiles that actually fit in the holes. The flash with this section of the kit is horrible. But I made the mistake of underestimating how soft the metal was. I figured a sharp blade and then file and...

Oh no. This metal is as tough as... metal. The resin sections are nice and will be easy as pie to put together. I love the cockpit. But unless I can figure out a more effective method of cleaning that white metal flash, I have no hope.

I think I have to be realistic and accept that I have been defeated, and put my efforts into a kit for the open category.

That being said, anyone want a Warp Eagle for half what I paid for it, shipping not included. That would be $80.00 in Canadian bucks. You pay shipping from me to you. I am seriously bummed out by this but if anyone else has the skills and the interest in the kit, it's yours

Have you tried a metal rasp from a hardware store? If not have you tried using a motor tool to either sand the flash off and/or cut it off?
I would like to apologize to ya'll for my total wipe out on the Eagle. I had no idea that white metal was so difficult. I've gone through three sets of "diamond" tipped grinder tips. about 20 in a package, from Princess Auto, I have managed to clean out only the cages that surround the front and back mechanical sections for and aft of the payload pod. I genera;;y have about 4 to 6 hours a week to dedicate to building and if I had known this BEAST would be as hard as it is, I would have built a Viper 2 or Vulcan Shuttle or something plastic or at least only resin. Holy snap that was tough!

At any rate, I would like to add that I will finish this pig and present it at Shearwater and CAMS next year in her glory.

I also want to add that the folks who competed and succeeded are... simply wowsers. You dudes and dudetts are amazing! I applaud your supreme efforts!

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