Really inspiring...Thanks guys, I really appreciate it.
I have added some fine dirt. This was just dirt from a pile at a job site near where I work. I grabbed a couple yogurt cups full and then later sifted it through a wire screen to get rid of rocks and plant debris. I applied some glue with a brush (Mod Podge matte) to the plaster. A nylon stocking was stretched over the yogurt cup and shook it over the model, salt shaker style. Only the finest powder made it through the stocking, so it looks reasonably in-scale.
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View attachment 89317
Here I've added some static grass. The applicator was made from an electric fly swatter from the junk shop (cheapness), using instructions gleaned from a thousand YouTube videos. There's also a bit of weathering...some oil paint rain streaks and some dirt, dust and mud clumps.
View attachment 89318
Next I'll add some of the vine like vegetation hanging from the engines, as seen in the original sketch.
Over & Out, Pete
Do you really think it needs anything more? Maybe one or too animals like small 'sci-fi cows' to really illustrate the desolate and abandoned feeling... But I think it's perfect as is.
Your choice of course. Thank you for sharing.