Star Trek Into Darkness

Yeah saw this this morning.

Still up in the air as to if the new villain is actually Khan, but since it is movie #2 of the re-launched movie franchise (still in awe of J J Abrams brilliance of changing Trek history in the first 10mins of the first movie, so now he can do things "his" way), then it makes sense.

The narrative of the trailer eerily sounds like Sir Patrick Stewart however.
never like star trek a lot of bad acting and ropy scenes..i no alot of you would hang me from the nearest tree for saying that but takes all sorts but i loved the new film changed my perspective live long and multiply
Yeah, the 2009 film was superb imho.
Just watched this trailer (japanese version is highly recommended because of the cool additionalfootage bringing back good memories about the ST II:WoK), can't wait to see the thing in theatres now.
P.S.: and I SOOOOOOO much hope that the PolarLights cancelation of their 1/2500 JJPrize was an act to release it along with the second movie!
yea Scott i got the idea is was Khan too but i bet were both wrong :D
I read some where that the bad guy's a war criminal. myself and my dad think he's a member of starfleet that went rouge comited war crimes then in to exile. just my two bob's worth
J. J. Abrams knows how to pace a movie. I am so glad that he is directing these.
based on preview, and on the plot that was released officially, I'm fairly certain the villain is NOT Khan.
Bearing in mind that, unless they filled the time between movies off screen, THIS crew has NOT encountered him.

Popular theory now could well be them revisiting the second TOS pilot with Gary Mitchell.
Based on what we saw in the trailier, it actually fits the Mitchell plotline a lot better than anything Khan-related would.

Loving the trailer.
May have to see the Hobbit at an IMAX theater instead of my regular one to catch the "sneak peek" that's supposed to be running with it
JJ is using some elements from Wrath of Khan at least.....

Watch the extended trailer released for the Japanese market, in that you will see a scene of 2 hands on either side of a piece of glass, pressed up against each of them making the Vulcan greeting sign.....that is straight out of Wrath of Khan when Spock goes into the core to put the reactor back on line and dies in the process.

Here is the trailer:

Star Trek - Into the Darkness Japanese Trailer
The villain could also be Garth of Izar. However the blonde haired woman in the trailer does remind me of Elizabeth Dhener, so that would lead me to believe it's Gary Mitchell.

Personally, I didn't like the 2009 movie. Just thought it was a weak villain (and I'm a big fan of Eric Bana's work), and the humour was kind of a miss. Also Kirk's promotion from Cadet to Captain was kind of ridiculous. A few other things bugged me too, but I did like the performances and the action/FX were glorius.

Looks like this movie is going down the route of the current 'dark' trend inspired by Chris Nolan's Batman. Not saying that's a bad style, but It's not Trek. That could just be the style of the trailer, but it's not what I wanted to see.

I know it's being reinvented, but if it's not my thing, then there's not much I can do about it. I just hope it's successful and brings in a ton of cash that will hopefully fund more movies and perhaps another TV show. The potential for the franchise is huge.
The trailer is looking awesome! I really liked the last movie and the direction Abrams chose. Dominic Cumberbatch is a great actor, watch Sherlock if you haven't already. Whoever will be the villain character, I think he will do him justice.
Hi, guys! Decided to push this topic up, since today I've managed to sneak onto a very special related event.
This morning Star Trek Into Darkness producer Bryan Burk visited Moscow to on order to present the first 30 minutes of the movie to the press, and I was among the luckiest of the Russian Trekkies to see the precious shots as well.
Prior I continue, I should add, that You're not going to find any spoilers ahead. Not that I'm such a scroogie guy, but I really do not want to spoil anyones experience from seeing this movie, 'cause guys, this is really a BOMB!
As Mr. Burk said, there are two types of people: those who love start trek, and those who think that people who love star trek are strange.
Being a fan of the Star Trek franchise as a whole, I still don't like lots of the aspects of this universe. In this case I am pretty close in position to the former category of the humanity. But from I've seen, JJ and his team managed to do an impossible - still created a movie, that is going to satisfy both the hardcore trek fans and those being completely strange to it.
Unlike the 2009 movie, this one has that very atmosphere of Star Trek ( I would even write it as Atmosphere), that literary flows over from the silver screen to the viewers. I mean this, guys, nearly at the end of the first minute of watching my thoughts were "Now this is really the Star Trek!". Only pure emotions followed then.
The world that is presented to the viewers is as realistic, as we have never seen in ST. The outer M-class planet, being explored, our Earth of tomorrow day, with lots of first-seen locations, all I've seen lives on the screen making the viewer forget about the unreality of happening.
On the most enigmatic aspect of the new movie: the villain. This guy is still a dark spot for me - we are definitely not getting all the answers at the very beginning. What I've seen pretty much repeats what had been already sneak-peaked by Abrams before. Harriman is a guy of a middle, he is invisible in the crowd. Being a member of the Starfleet, he seeks revenge with the organization, but his reasons have not been clarified so far. There is definitely a story behind him. Plus to all his visible normality, he also has some superhuman abilities, like extra-strength compared to Spoc's and high immunity. These are my pure speculations, but I think that he is what the guy from the TOS who gained silver eyes and enormous power would have been if only he didn't have such an obvious sign as the silver eyes, wasn't known to anyone due to his powers, was a perfect strategist and had been someway unhappy with his job in Starfleet.
Now, on the maters that are probably most important to us - addicts - here. I'm speaking about the movie's designs, and I would start of coarse with the most important vehicle in the series (guess, what is it.;)). Many have complains about the new Enterprise look and her dimensional values. I myself didn't really like the design at first. However, this my opinion changed pretty fast. For those of you who are still unsatisfied with the new JJPrize look, there is a pretty big chance of changing your opinion as well. From what I've seen, the ship is now shown a lot smaller in comparison to people, so that it is now close in size to the classic refit constitution, only slightly bigger. That is also proven with the scale and the size of the upcoming model from Revell. On the overall look - most unsatisfaction has been caused by the faty look of the warp-engines fronts, near the bussards. Can't explain how they did that, but in all the frames I've seen the ship has been shown from so to say a better side, the angle really giving all its beauty, all the good it drag in design from the TOS and the Movie-era Ent. In some shots I've thought "Now that really reminds me of the old-fashioned good solid Enterprise, great look".
On the other vehicles: we see a couple new shuttle designs, and not only the variations on the Galileo topic, but some completely new, still imho quite fitting the star trek universe. I've counted 4 of them from what I've seen so far. Plus, really a TON of new vehicles, operating on Earth: civilian cars, sone cargo transports, flying buses and a lot more. Most of them being developed till the very last maintenance panel in the best traditions of ILM - that is just a pure inspiration for a modeler's soul ( I really predict tons of star trek stuff on my bench in two months, folks :)). And, what is most thrilling: the new starships designs. They haven't been shown during the timing of the event, but the plot does suggest their presence with high odds. And another speculation again: I predict the Alternate Universe Reliant Variant, being stollen and used by Harriman and his pawns, beware!
Finally a few words about the visual element, music and all what a good movie should have. I really, really encourage you, guys, to go watch this movie in IMAX 3D. I wouldn't try to express all the awesomness that the look of the picture presents the viewers, due to my lack of language and that it is always better to once see for yourself instead of hearing a million times. I'd just say that I usually hate all those fancy 3D, IMAX and stuff 'cause for me all that is kinda ruining the look of the movie from what I've seen so far. So, if I recommend a movie to be watched in 3D - that really must be something. ( for all the guys who are digging the JJ's light flares favorite effect a small disappointment - it is still presented in the movie, but in a lot less quantity then in the previous one: 3d made its contribution, making this effect being possible to add only at the stage of postproduction, via pc, so Abrams didn't have much chance to play with his handlight).
Overall. Well... I'm not a fan a the long conclusions. I'll just say, that if after all I've seen those guys are going to ruin the rest of the movie so that my prediction that this is going to be the best star trek motion picture ever released, I will eat my underwear. You have my word, folks. Later.
Since Ive started watching Steve Neills videos on you tube I must say that I have a very strong interest in Star Trek. Steve is a wonderful guy and really knows his Star Trek which has a way to get others not so familiar with it very interested ha ha.
Steve is fantastic, you should go back and watch the Big E come to life if you haven't already
that looks like a cool one got to see it for sure. I only hope disney dosn't screw up my fav si-fi series that I love so much ya Star Wars just cant pitchure micky mouse with a light saber :)
I believe he is only into the older Star Trek under the direction of Rodenberry. I dont think they are very fond of the newer Star Trek. From what I take on his videos the newer Star Trek is a downright unsuccessful series.
hooterville75 said:
I believe he is only into the older Star Trek under the direction of Rodenberry. I dont think they are very fond of the newer Star Trek. From what I take on his videos the newer Star Trek is a downright unsuccessful series.

That may be there opinion, but the last ST movie, which was JJ Abrams first was the most successful ST movie of all time. And if any of what I have heard about #2 is any indication, it will probably break all ST records for the movies.

Personally, I loved the first one, JJ Abrams is a brilliant director/producer, what he did in the first 10mins of the film, basically change Trek history, I think was not only a brilliant move, but one that had to be made if he didn't want the hoards of Trek fans coming down on him for screwing up the time line.

What better way to do the movie, just make your own timeline, and no one can really complain.

With what he did in resurrecting ST, I have no doubt that he will be able to do the same with SW.

Simply one of the top 3-5 directors in Hollywood today, and he does it all, directs and produces movies, and some of the best TV shows.

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