Star Wars Theme Group Build

Looks great! I like using the liquid masking fluid too.

It's one of those products I wish I'd known about years ago. It's a life saver for someone with OCD like me.

I forgot to mention, I actually performed another modification to the kit in that I cut out the original door in the back of the cockpit. I intend lighting the "tunnel" between the cockpit and the main cabin, just for a bit of interest.

It's one of those products I wish I'd known about years ago. It's a life saver for someone with OCD like me.

I forgot to mention, I actually performed another modification to the kit in that I cut out the original door in the back of the cockpit. I intend lighting the "tunnel" between the cockpit and the main cabin, just for a bit of interest.

View attachment 120225
That would look very cool.
So another decision time that previously led me to procrastination. Use photo-etch or not around the cockpit tunnel to represent the Koolshade parts on the original model?
For any who might not know what that is, Koolshade is same material the Tie Fighters wing panels were made of. Was actually a very fine metal shade that was used as sun blocking window blinds back in the ILM days

Looking closely at the parts, I feel the molded plastic parts are actually better detail than the photo-etch

Left is the plastic parts. These are amazingly fine and crisp and even the holes behind the grilles have depth.

On the right are the alternate parts that you can use to glue the photo-etch onto


Although I feel the photo-etch while a bit finer detail when it comes to the holes behind it is actually very flat and less overall detailed looking


So the original plastic parts it is


The only downside I see is there is a noticeable seam/gap between two of the pieces. Maybe I made an error in putting together parts as I know from past experience, some other part being a hair off in some different step like the tunnel construction can cause fit issue with other parts later, but I don't see gaps elsewhere. You can see it off the the right above and then here below as well


Should not be too noticeable once paint and weathering go on in this area I am hoping. If not I will have to try filling as best I can without screwing up the details

But then again, from this angle it is hard to tell
Slave I (10).jpgSlave I (11).jpg
Finally finished the prep and able to prime. I had to mix primer as the gray had was too dark. Did a 1:2 Stynyrez gray to white. I believe it still could've been a few shades lighter. As I have I think 4 other Boba Slave I models this is more of a practice for color and techniques. I'm trying to take notes so I have something to refer to with the next builds with a live finished product. Detail is not great on this kit and the fit wasn't as good as I had hoped. It's coming along slowly. This will be the most complex paint job I have ever done by far.
Also finished the other turret. Gave it a bit more time getting the various panel colors to match the set piece

and yes, I use my thumbnail to wipe excess paint off the brush before touching the brush to the model, or test if things are too runny, or check color, or need more thinning etc... :D

Not going to stress to much over neatness/crisp straight lines, since it only needs to look good from the front angle looking back instead of side on



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Finally finished the prep and able to prime. I had to mix primer as the gray had was too dark. Did a 1:2 Stynyrez gray to white. I believe it still could've been a few shades lighter. As I have I think 4 other Boba Slave I models this is more of a practice for color and techniques. I'm trying to take notes so I have something to refer to with the next builds with a live finished product. Detail is not great on this kit and the fit wasn't as good as I had hoped. It's coming along slowly. This will be the most complex paint job I have ever done by far.

That seam was rough to deal with but looking good

What paints are you going to use?
So another decision time that previously led me to procrastination. Use photo-etch or not around the cockpit tunnel to represent the Koolshade parts on the original model?
For any who might not know what that is, Koolshade is same material the Tie Fighters wing panels were made of. Was actually a very fine metal shade that was used as sun blocking window blinds back in the ILM days

Looking closely at the parts, I feel the molded plastic parts are actually better detail than the photo-etch

Left is the plastic parts. These are amazingly fine and crisp and even the holes behind the grilles have depth.

On the right are the alternate parts that you can use to glue the photo-etch onto

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Although I feel the photo-etch while a bit finer detail when it comes to the holes behind it is actually very flat and less overall detailed looking

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So the original plastic parts it is

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The only downside I see is there is a noticeable seam/gap between two of the pieces. Maybe I made an error in putting together parts as I know from past experience, some other part being a hair off in some different step like the tunnel construction can cause fit issue with other parts later, but I don't see gaps elsewhere. You can see it off the the right above and then here below as well

View attachment 120266

Should not be too noticeable once paint and weathering go on in this area I am hoping. If not I will have to try filling as best I can without screwing up the details

But then again, from this angle it is hard to tell
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1000000380.jpgPersonally I think I would lean towards the plastic as the mesh part has more depth.
That seam was rough to deal with but looking good

What paints are you going to use?
I am trying to match Tamiya paints by eye as best I can. I will need to custom mix about 8 of them. I'll keep track of the ratios for future builds. As long as I can get kinda close with this one I will be very happy. This one will be more of a trial and error for the rest. No idea what I will do for Jango's then lol.
Also finsihed the other turret. Gave it a bit more time getting the various panel colors to match the set piece

and yes, I use my thumbnail to wipe excess paint off the brush before touching the brush to the model, or test if things are too runny, or check color, or need more thinning etc... :D

Not going to stress to much over neatness/crisp straight lines, since it only needs to look good from the front angle looking back instead of side on
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That is looking awsome
BTW that picture is from A New Hope model. Not sure how much different it is on Empire.

Yeah that is definitely the 5 ft rather than the 32" from ESB

On a side note, IIRC apparently that part is there because it was originally built to be able to rotate the cockpit, as well as providing cooling holes for the lights and motors.

In Sculpting a Galaxy, Lorne mentions this..

"At one time, the Falcon's cockpit was to be motorized so that it could be rotated 90 degrees. Lucas had the idea the ship would fly like a sunfish, landing flat, but at take off the body would rotate and the cockpit would remain in the same configuration. Though the end model did not include this feature, the cockpit module remained sleeved and could be rotated"

Of course, not letting it go to waste, they later wound up using the same design concept for the B-Wings

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