Stryker RV


New Member
Sep 4, 2013
Here are a coupel of shots of my Stryker I finished a while back. Took best of show at the Pearson Museum show a while back. Hope you enjoy.

Looks great man. I love all the details you added. I love your base. It gives so much more character to the enitre model.

Where did you get your base from? How did you do your ground work? If you could explain what you did I would appreciate it.
Joe - base was easy. Found the wood at an art supply store. Went to the hobby shop and picked up woodland scenics sand mat, cut to size, glued and BAM! insta base.

Excellent work. Quite the...RV! ;D
One small thing, no tire tracks behind or around the Stryker, ground looks too "clean" but fine modelin' nonetheless.
Max - base was just a quick job for the show. Sometimes a simple base adds some variation to color on the model itself, it looks better than just sitting on the table ;). Now if it were a dio setting, then tracks would certanly be in order.


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