Su 76 Winter Wash Project

The fit, that's a stretch calling it that...
Take a look at the putty on the upper assembly in the attachment!, that's how the fit has been!
Commonly the pieces don't even look like those depicted in the instructions........(see my notes on the background instructions)...I'm really looking forward to the 178 track links in step 14; yeah...looking forward to it like a freakin' root canal!!

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More fun & games..........Step 9 check out these mistakes..........
I'm getting used to this a Dragon kit, if something doesn't fit smoothly; you've probably messed up this mini art kit, if a part doesn't fit smoothly; feel lucky you've got the right part at all!

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That’s a good way of putting it Tony!
Anyway, I “hammered my way through the gun assembly” (see attachment; how do you like my version of your jig Tony?...cowboy carpentry, the foam board is 3/16 inch thick and the popsicle stick is about ¼ inch thick)…..its roughed out and I’m setting the thing aside for a while and moving on…….skipping the “mounting the wheels step; #11………now some chassis work…..this can’t be too bad……..if things get goofy again with the tough fits, I have the proper tool………see attachment

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well tony,,,,,takin' a little chill on the assembly and kicking back doing some detail work on that cantankerous gun assembly and am finding the photos of your build most helpful........good interior shots!
Weird that so many new kits have been released with instruction errors.....

Looking forward to your new progress! And I'm glad you were able to save the day....on the previous Assy.

Take care!
Yeah, After the gun assembly there were still errors here and there but nothing of real consequence. The main things these errors do though, is erode your confidence in the instructions. Many, many times I’ve encountered some problem in assembly that was made immeasurably easier to solve by knowing that the instructions were correct and that it was I that was looking at that particular action incorrectly………now, with the instructions suspect………..any doubts and the ensuing difficulties are exponentially increased….
Take the Dragon 88 (#6260), which was one of my first endeavors upon returning to the modeling thing after 20 some odd years………there is a wicked error in the assembly of the base mount that I have reviewed over and over again thinking it’s my fault……..but no, the instructions are wrong yet this mistake shows up in none of the reviews….this error made me doubt every step within a step throughout the remainder of the kit; not good………..
Which then opens a sort of Pandora’s box………I doubt the guys who write these reviews are purposely deceitful or incompetent, but rather there must be sort of creative editing……who knows…..
Anyway, the attached jpeg shows about where I’m at with this build (I’d say about 75% done) and shows where the piece shown on my attachment on the second page of this thread actually goes. I’m trying to find about 2 uninterrupted hours to address the treads then it’s pretty much a wrap assembly-wise…..

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Man oh man Tony………
I’ve been going over some of your stuff again,,,,,,,,makes me realize that I’ve got a loooooooooonnnnnnggg way to go!! Oh well, practice, practice, practice……….
Anyway, after much kicking and screaming, I’ve arrived at this point in my Suchka….
She is primed (I went ahead and did the modulation concurrently with the priming; hard to see it in the photo)……….
I’m going to begin the winter wash process right over the primer….
Good idea? Bad idea???

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Looks like you got through it even if you did need a scab on the corner.
I had a lot of trouble getting the casement walls to fit up myself. ::)

Almost there
Tony lee
Getting close……….The actual construction sucks. But the build was/is a success in that I wanted to learn winter washes and to this end, I am well satisfied. Whoever steered me to those AK products had it right! That “Worn Weather Effects” was quite easy to use; it only took a short time to get the feel of the stuff……….The “Winter Streaking Grime” is good stuff as well…does double duty as a wash….
Though the finished product is not exactly what I had in mind when I began, I had/am having a good time finishing this kit….So pleased in fact, that I have a Tiger 1 in mind a couple of builds down the road and am seriously considering a winter wash for it.
Regarding Mini Art……….I saw somewhere on this site that some poor fellow is building a Mini Art Gaz Truck and is experiencing much the same woes that I encountered with this assault gun…..he speaks of the radiator fan being attached to the sprue at 4 points……..I could only roll my eyes…..I bet that fan is so thin you can see through the plastic…………good luck fella!
I’ll post a couple of more shots once this thing is finished……

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