Looking very indeed! Good to read and see that Academy are really improving their kits. Too bad my LHS won't be stocking up new Academy kits for a while.
Boots ,good to see you about these parts again ,dont be a stranger now ya hear
Boxster ,Academy are bringing out some nice stuff now , Im waiting on the new 1/48 B25 arriving this week its actually the Acurate Miniatures kit with some new stuff
Still moving along ..slowly .. with the Spook .
All the decals are done except a few to add around the tail end ,a couple of detail parts to paint in too then its off for some Klear before a few washes etc ....
At least the pilot still gives it the thumbs up ... lol
Rookie ,in all honesty the decals are some of the best I have worked with ,even the tail fin decals settled right in with a coat of Sol ..which they react well too , absolutely no issues with the decals at all contrary to what I had been told . Bottom line ,if anyone has problems with them ,it really is down to their own doing
Oh yeah..........now we`re talking 8), she does look terrific with all the logo`s attached.............can`t beat a good decaling session , and no...............i won`t be a stranger fella..................strange..yes ;D
Amazing, everything looks painted on, even all those stencils. Is the anti glare panel also a decal? In any case, an excellent job, can't wait to see it finished.