Thanks for the advice guys, much appreciated. This all seems a little overwhelming at first glance but i'm sure if i take it slow and careful i'll be fine. :
Saying that, i can see the PE set being my biggest headache, i have several questions about it already.....think i'll open a new PE thread in the tech forum!
Well i'm under way finally, i spent last night prepping the resin parts. I spent about two hours at it and only got three parts done.....and they haven't been sanded yet either!

Whats held me up so much is what i think is very small parts of rubber molding left behind in all the small areas of the hessian netting.....and i mean hundreds of little pieces...
I spent most of my time picking them out with a No. 11 xacto blade as it was the only thing i had which was fine enough to reach in there. I did damage some of the hessian netting as its very flimsey in some places....still it given me some areas to do a little damage to the model now.
Anyways i got 90% of it out and i'm hoping the rest wont show once the primer is on there.....the rest of the resin parts look free of rubber but they do have massive casting blocks that will need removing. Good job i have my helmet.
I start jury service today so have no idea how that will effect my time for modelling....i may get sent home early or loose my evenings, guess i'll see.
I'll open that PE thread first chance i get.
Thanks for looking.