OK, after running around tonight doing the kid shuffle...B-ball practice!! :

I decided to toss up a couple pics of where this is.
The fig!
Now what I am thinking...simple, but effective!
Now onto some base stuff. Now I have not actually dug into anything but figured I would share something. Sometimes things present themselves when least expected. In the past I have...umm...used an award plaque for a base for another model....hey, I am not the only one ya know!! LOL!!! Anywho, my daughter remembered this and whilst at school the other day, the band director was packing up everything for a giant move to a brand new school next door and asked if anyone wanted some old contest plaques.....The good girl that she is, she brought me some!!!
These are great if you run across them at a yard sale or if a friend is tossing them out.
Pop off all the plates and decorative plastic thingies....
Voila....a nice start to a base for this one I think....did I mention it was free? LOL
Thanks for stopping by and hanging out for a bit!!