Tamiya AS color conversion chart for mixing Tamiya acrylics


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2020
Hey folks I'm just interested to know if anyone has or knows of a chart showing which Tamiya Acrylics to mix to match their AS colors. Thanks ahead of time to anyone that may know. I know I can decant but I'm not interested in having to do that if I can just mix the colors with paint I already have. Why some have a match and others don't is ridiculous to me but it is what it is.
Thanks I am aware of the ones that have XF equivalents just looking for mixes for the ones that don't.
If you want accurate colors, get a few AK Interactive Real Color paints. They're better and more spot on than mixing Tamiya. I rarely mix my paints. Don't get me wrong, Tamiya are good paint, but they have such a limited line of colors.
If you want accurate colors, get a few AK Interactive Real Color paints. They're better and more spot on than mixing Tamiya. I rarely mix my paints. Don't get me wrong, Tamiya are good paint, but they have such a limited line of colors.
Thanks for the info. I'm currently monkeying around with some ammo paints. I like my Tamiya paints and don't mind the mixing but if I find a water based acrylic that I can be happy with I'm good with that too. Never tried AK paints but I'll look at them.
Trust me, you will like them better than Tamiya. They airbrush beautifully. Once my Testors Model Master are depleted, AK Interactive Real Color will be my sole go-to paints along with Gunze/Mr. Color acrylics.

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