
i got a bottle of x20a last week and it had an english lable put on over the japenese one, im in ireland but i do think all tamia stuff should have englsh along with japenese.
spud said:
i got a bottle of x20a last week and it had an english lable put on over the japenese one, im in ireland but i do think all tamia stuff should have englsh along with japenese.

Yeah, but what about the rest of the countries around the world?

I mean come on...if Vallejo can put the labels on their bottles in no less than 8 different languages (granted one of those is not Japanese), then Tamiya should be able to do it also. Heck, English, Japanese, French and Spanish, and they would have most of it covered.

I believe Vallejo is:

Spanish, English, German, Italian, Swedish, Finnish, Austrian, and French (might be wrong on a couple of those, just a best guess for some).

And actually on some of their bigger bottles like their 60ml primers there are a couple of other languages as well, including Japanese and/or Chinese.
if i can read right then its 16 on the 200ml bottles and teh last 2 are prob chinese and japenese