Testing a Future alternative

kiwi gav

New Member
Sep 8, 2012
Hi Addicts.

As Future is no longer available in NZ and its not cost effective to ship some in from overseas, I am about to test a similar product.

Can you guys suggest what I should be looking for when it test this other floor polish?
ie how long would it take to see if the clear coat dis-colours, coverage... you get my drift

cheers Guys

You need to take a trip to a Woolworth's, Pricecutter, 4Square, Pak-n-Save, The Warehouse, Countdown, Bunning's Warehouse. It appears that Future is now marketed under the name Holdfast.


In the United Kingdom and New Zealand it is known as "Klear", "Krystal Klear" or "Johnson's One and All". During the 3rd quarter of 2008 the product "Klear" was discontinued, more on that in a moment. Pascoe's "long life self shining floor polish" is now marketed under the brand name "Holdfast" in New Zealand. It has a milky appearance in the bottle and a more powerful ammonia smell than Klear.

Here is a short list of different retail outlets around the world that have been known to carry Future or it's cousins:

New Zealand - Woolworth's, Pricecutter, 4Square, Pak-n-Save, The Warehouse, Countdown, Bunning's Warehouse.
If you can find a Krystal Klear, Johnson's One and All or Holdfast, it appears they are all from the same family or as on this website referred to as cousins. Just tryen to help man. Hope you can obtain one of these.
Who knows, maybe come Christmas time this good ole USA friend of yours may play Santa Clause and send you a bottle or two of Future lol. ;D
Cheers Hooterville75

I had done the rounds once before, will look again. Some might have started stocking that stuff.
I will keep you posted.
I am still using the same bottle of Future after about 6 years and still have about 1/4 of it left... A bottle ought to last a long time. I also build about 40-50 kits a year. Which even if it cost me $30, would be a bargain at this point.

BTW, I think it's Pledge now with 'Future' shine if your looking for

But the 'features' you want are a Self leveling fast drying acrylic.


And Cheap. 8)
Whats the product you want to test Gav ? Cant get future in Oz either... is this it ?

If so I've used it and works OK , have had some issues with it reacting to micro sol/set though

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Was about to try the same thing. I noticed Bunnings Warehouse sell it.. Have you overcome the miroset/sol issue?

Ok ....Klear doesnt smell of ammonia ,cause there isnt any in it :) Gav it sounds like you are heading the right direction . In the UK Klear is actually now Known as PLEDGE ,its the same stuff just rebranded in a new bottle ,so if you found Johnsons Pledge ,that is the right stuff .You need to be careful trying different polishes as some contain oils ,which wont do your model any good ;)

Yeah - like Gundamhead said - in the U.S. is now Pledge - same thing different name. ;D
Cheers Guys

I contacted Johnsons in New Zealand and all variations of the Future/Pledge.. have been deleted, they wernt that interested in helping really. Im going to try this long life stuff. Thanks Chris will check for a ammonia smell


Just hang tight with the Future. Prior in my earlier right out of high school late teen age years I worked for several years at a place called Overnite Transportation which is now currently called UPS Freight. My best friend from high school who got me hired there still works there yet today. UPS is a worldwide freight industry you may or not be aware of. I talked with my friend about shipping some Future to New Zealand and was informed that UPS Freight as a benefit to their employees allow them to ship any freight or items that may need shipped for free of charge.

Being that this would be being shipped out of the Country it would have to be shipped Internationally. He expressed that shipping to the lower 48 USA States wouldn't be a problem for sure BUT being that its internationally he is going to talk to the Terminal Manager tomorrow afternoon as soon as his shift ends to see if he can ship internationally (Don't know why he wouldn't be able too). Shipping is shipping which they offer as a benefit regardless if its to the USA or Internationally. If it all works out right and he is allowed to ship Internationally, he said that he would be more then happy to take the couple bottles of Future that I get for you and ship them to you for me. So let me talk with my friend again tomorrow after he gets a affirmative answer and see if I cant get you a couple bottles of Future sent to you after all.

Its a great product that you will like and benefit from. So Ill do what I can to see you get a couple of bottles. Two bottles of Future should last you a long long time. I'm trying my hardest Mate!!!!
kiwi gav said:
Cheers Guys

I contacted Johnsons in New Zealand and all variations of the Future/Pledge.. have been deleted, they wernt that interested in helping really. Im going to try this long life stuff. Thanks Chris will check for a ammonia smell


For that matter, if you have a Johnson's in New Zealand, I don't know what its like in your Country but here in the USA if a store I go to to buy a Johnson's product doesn't stock a certain item, they will contact other stores that may have it and if none do they will order some in. So being Johnson's is a really big company, obviously World Wide, I don't know why they wouldn't order you some and have it shipped to them. I'm going to play some phone tag tomorrow in regards to this situation and see what I can do for you. Sounds like a crock of K9 Poo and am pretty disgusted actually that Johnson's Customer Service wasn't really that eager to help you, it doesn't speak well for the reputation of Johnson's in New Zealand. Heck or high water we will get you a couple bottles of Future Mate !!!! HA .
Gav, have found a way to overcome the issue with sol, but have stopped using it as an exterior clear coat and have gone back to Tamiya clear coats. The long life is still fine for doin interior parts or areas that wont be getting decaled, so still a good cheap alternative.

Hooter- send a couple of bottles my way if you're feeling charitable ;)

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