Agreed, and I am pleased to have left the old forum behind judging by the bad feelings towards us even though we had done nothing wrong except to use our democratic right to move. But at least I now know where to spend my money and which store to avoid in future...
Welcome all! Glad you're here, not exactly sure what happened, but we always welcome new friends here.
It's really started when our "Home" site just gave us 24 hours notice back in 2018 to get our bags packed or we're going to loose all our photos and anything left hanging on the wall so to speak. Like we did on this site we moved to the site we just left. They never liked us from the start there were Appox. well over 15 of us that landed there and they hated it and we were never welcome there all those years by the Mods. It just came to a head with the new software and most of us left.
In my experience admins and mods can only do so much, it is the community itself that makes for a good place to hang out. Being polite and respectful goes a long way, even if you critique a build or idea. I have not been here all that long but this is what I've seen here. I am bad at taking pictures and posting stuff myself while others do much more. I do my best to do what I was taught years ago, "if you don't have something nice to say, don't say nothing at all". From what I've seen it seems like everyone else goes by that as well.

I've enjoyed the layout and the ease of finding subjects that I want to look at. The members have been great and can be very helpful. I hope all of you enjoy your time here and welcome.
I like having it all. Some places are very nice, maybe too much, others are extremely critical, maybe too much.

Knowing which forums or FB private groups will rip your work to death and which ones will throw hearts at a turd is helpful, it DEFINITELY helps to be sure which one you are in at the time too :cool:

I just joined SMA earlier this year after picking up the hobby after ~25 years of idling. I am very happy I found it.