I'll take a bundle of whatever you've got Nicholas.
I've got this one primed and almost ready to go...till I dropped it coming in from outside. I didn't do much damage but I did bust the seam on the nose. A little more Mr. Surface and I should be ready to go for tomorrow again. I'm going to get the first coat on tomorrow and let it sit for a few days before trying to get the layer of liquid mask on for the second coat.
I was expecting a lot more time being spent on the actual build since the last FM kit I got was the Jedi Star Fighter..and that one has lots of teeny tiny bits that you barely even notice once you've got them on...I'm still trying to gather up the patience to finish that one off...it even has teeny tiny decals that I've pretty much lost patience on.
But anyway..back to the Slave-1..
Primer fun..
I'm essentially throwing a fiber optic strand wherever I think it might be cool..
and the tiny Boba Fett ready for some detail paint..
You've said that you're going to have Boba etc & Han in carbonate at the ramp of the ship, will you be opening the entrance door?
Don't know if you've seen this guys work: http://yumen.chicappa.jp/ModelersBible/
Its all in Japanese but there are plenty of photos, you'd need to download his pdfs to view them.
Greetings, Addicts
I've started working on the base coats for the Slave-1. I've got the base on the top part, it's a mix of Vallejo Pastel Green, Silver, Metal Medium, and a touch of white. The bottom portion is just a mix of Natural Steel and a drop of Gun Metal. The green is a little spotty in parts but I'm not too worried since this will be seen sporadically through the top coat.
Seems I almost have all of the painting done..at least the base colors. The first thing done today was the engine skirt, that was done with a mix of Vallejo Red, and a touch of Metal Medium. This was followed with a layer of Dark Red and Gunmetal Grey.
Later I added the dark stripe down the center which was a mix of Gunmetal Blue, Bronze Green and a touch of Gunmetal Grey.
The next part was done with Pastel Green and a touch of Gunmetal Blue. The following are the pics with the liquid mask and salt still on the model.
After I peeled it this evening, I'm still trying to decide if the contrast is too much. I'm going to let this sit tonight and I'll decide if I need an additional wash of the original color to tie it all together.
After I decide on whether or not to add another wash to this, I should be ready for wiring this up with some lights. Till then..y'all take care and have fun out there.
Hey Addicts,
First off Thanks for the cool compliments and comments. I've got another quick update on the Slave-1.
I've added the final color to the main hull and I should be ready to start figuring out how I'm going to light this kit. I don't think I'm going to do the engines lit up, but I will be adding some accent lighting to the model wherever I think a light should be. I have to start the undercarriage as well this weekend but here's what I've got as of Saturday Afternoon.
Hope all is well with everyone and looking forward to what everyone else has to show.