I live in Japan, so I have easy access to these paints. (Only specialty shops stock foreign paints like Vallejo and Citadel.) In fact, from here at work I can walk 4 minutes to reach a hobby shop that sells Tamiya paints. I don't use ratios when mixing as I simply eyeball the paints. I usually thin Tamiya acrylics with Tamiya lacquer thinner. The masking tape doesn't strip the Tamiya gloss paint, but it ruins the finish. I mostly use Mr. Color lacquers since they dry fast and hard. I have both Tamiya acrylic and Mr. Hobby acrylic paints and I find that Mr. Hobby works nicer. In my experience, Tamiya XF paints are alright, but if you've never used Mr. Hobby Aqueous then you're really missing out. You can't scratch it off with a fingernail like you can with Tamiya. You can even put gum tape on it and lift it off and it won't disturb a gloss Aqueous finish.