John, if you don't give up on the Brakiri, Mercury 9, and the Falcon, I have no excuse to give up on the Titanic! She won't sink me!
Biskup: I feel the same every time I light her up! Taking a bit of a break to check up on other entries then it's back to the grind to get her finished for the contest.
LrdSatyr8: Modeling is an artform, and artists are always the most critical of their own work. I'm looking at her with 4x optivisors, so I see all the boo-boos... When I look at the on-line pictures she does look much better LOL!
Quaralane: The carpet monster be damned! I think my next tiny-parts build will force me to buy a white apron to tuck under my cutting mat!
Tailor: True, only a few dozen more parts, then a few dozen or so photo-etch railings to go! *cringe*
Thanks to my wife not feeling like heading to the lake to tool around on my dad's new party barge, we stayed home... and while she napped, I've been slaving on the Titanic!
She's on the stand, and the power is wired up to the wall wart. I've picked out the letters so they show up better...
Untitled by
anguscubed, on Flickr
I've got the life boats on... but I noticed I have some touch-up paint to do on the windows behind them...
Untitled by
anguscubed, on Flickr
A few more parts to put on, then it will be decals and photo-etch railings!
Untitled by
anguscubed, on Flickr