Tips on pinstripe decals


Well-Known Member
Glue Member
Mar 6, 2023
Does anyone have any tips or tricks to install pinstripe decals?
I have never been very good at installing thin, narrow decals.
Thanks in advance

Cut close to the decal all around, Swish it in a glass of warm water..Let the decal sit, wet, on it's paper back, until it starts moving with gentle prodding with a paintbrush...doesn't move..? leave it alone... looks dried a little, add more water with your paintbrush..
When it starts to move a bit ,,,hold the decal, still on it's backing paper, close to where you want to place it, rest the paper right on the model...carefully push the decal off the backer with the paintbrush one corner at at time until something grabs, the carefully pull the backer out from underneath the actuall decal rearranging things with the paintbrush you still have.....
Once you have it where you want it, let it sit for awhile, you can wick some water away from the edge of the decal after about 3-5 min. let it sit ...After abot 10 min. I will push down gently with a q-tip (cotton bud) at one end of the decal and work my way along the decal ...if its out of place, wet the paintbrush again and gently move the decal back to where it should be ....repeat
Hope this helps
Just remember, it's a slow, gentle process

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