Touching up damaged King & Country figures


New Member
Aug 31, 2024
Hi. I recently bought a few of the above thst arrived damaged. Does anyone know a rough colour match for brush painting the damage. Im thinking of dunklegelb for the Panzerfaust. I could be way off though!

Any help is much appreciated.




Welcome to SMA .

Are you looking to buy online or do you have a hobby shop or art supply like Hobby Lobby near you ?

Always difficult to match colors like this via photos but ,
The rifle is someone's " gunmetal " , maybe Testors since that green looks like Testors enamel " Beret Green "
The Panzerfaust does look like someone's Dunkelgelb .
Colour matching can be tricky, but here are a few tricks I learned from an old silk screener I once worked with:
1. Work in natural light
2. Apply a swatch to some neutral colour card (or similar to the unpainted damaged area)
3. Let the paint dry before comparing... he used a hair dryer
4. Adjust the colour by mixing a little bit at a time, repeating the process above

Good luck! May the colour gods be with you.

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