Well, I had a little time today to get a composite image of the finished Impervious. This time around I found an image from the Hubble Telescope of the Pillars of Creation.
Hope you enjoy, and I should be back to working on my contest entry tonight.
You're not alone in that boat, MJ.
Turns out that my knowledge of Star Trek only extends to the original crew. I never got into the Next Generation stuff...simply because of the ultra-pacifistic nature of Picard and his crew...All I'm saying is that Kirk tended to deal with everything with a well placed drop kick or ax handle chop to the back of the neck...And Kirk never had to keep his therapist by his side on the bridge at all times.
Love your Impervious! The lighting is great & really like the colouring and deh-kuhl work. Impervious is a great name for a ship in this line. Great work overall, sir.
Hey Samurai, have you ever watched any DS9? It's definately alot more similar to TOS than TNG ever was. Sisko once polluted an entire planet with radiation just to route out a terrorist group. The entire planet was rendered uninhabitable for centuries! Not something Picard would do.
Actually, my wife and I have discovered DS9 on Netflix, and while I've noticed the first three seasons were pretty dull and static as far as the stories go, as soon as they introduced the Defiant and the Dominion War, things undoubtedly picked up.
Nice build ya got there. Impervious really is a great name for this class of ship. Just wondering are you planning to give it a matte finish? I think a flat or semi-gloss finish usually looks best on starships.
Actually, yeah..I will be throwing a matte finish on the Impervious. I also have a couple of more details to paint into this one before it's actually done. I also have to rework some of the lighting.
On a side note, I noticed while watching DS9 and even a few episodes of Voyager that the writers love their techno-babble. I mean, it's utter nonsense and a feeble attempt to write "over the heads" of the viewers. They love the babble so much they seem to forget the blaring plot holes left in the script.
But anyway..
Voyager had the biggest plot-holes by far. The worst thing was that each episode would reset everything. One episode they're struggling for energy, the next they're replicating extravagent cocktails. Continuity was very low priority on that show.
Tonight we caught the episode, Fascination, where that creepy vedek guy tries to punch out Sisko, and all he does is get Sisko to wipe his cheek as if was a fly landing on his face.
Pretty much at 0:21 in the following video.. http://youtu.be/PMaKafLIGTg
THAT has to be my favorite moment of the series thus far.