yes fubar, this is one of the very few 1/35 scale Gundam related pieces. The Core Fighter was featured in early Gundam universe as a glorified ejector seat: the whole cockpit, or "core", ejects from the belly of the mobile suit and turns in to a fighter.
Igard, the kit can transform from fighter to core block, but because the tolerances were so very very tight, there was no way to do it and not completely scratch/ruin a paint job in the process of transforming so this one is glued in place as a fighter only.
Hey Sunsanvil, Very nice job! I don't know alot about Gundam, but if I had to
eject out of a crippled mech, I'd rather go in this. At least here you have options,
whereas you don't floating down in an unarmed escape pod.
Pretty cool.